NHL Hitz 20-02 Easter Egg - Klaatu Barada Nikto
This is a quote from an easter egg for the movie Army Of Darkness:
"In order to destroy the book of the dead, the hero must memorize and say the words "Klaatu barada nikto" This is a tribute to The Day the Earth Stood Still. In that movie the alien instructs the girl to memorize and say the codewords "Klaatu barada nikto" to stop the robot from attacking." -submitted by Aaron
In NHL Hitz, When you create a new custom team (Menu>Custom Team>Create New/Existing team), you may give any of your players nicknames. (eg. Rhode Island Red, Frosty, Mr. Marbles.) Three of the names are Klaatu, Barada and Nikto, in reference to Army of Darkness.
Special Requirements: NHL Hitz 20-02
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