Red Dwarf Easter Egg - DVD Series 1-4

Series I
Future Echoes Animation
Disc 1: Highlight 'Select Episode' and click right to highlight the number clipboard. Hit select to travel to the vending machine, then enter the number 4691 (as seen on the clipboard) on the keypad.

Twins Polaroid
Disc 2: click right on entering the Bonus menu to highlight the item in Lister's bunk, then press select.

Series II
Queeg Animation
Disc 1: From the main menu, click down until you have highlighted the watch on the desk, then press select. You will be taken to the Holly Hop Drive. If you want to start it, press start. You can work out the rest of the controls for yourself.

Series III
Marooned Model Shot
Disc 1: Watch for this after the closing credits for Marooned.

Making of the Starbug Toy
Disc 2: Enter the photo gallery and select 'Models and Covers'. Skip through the images until you reach a schematic drawing of Starbug. Click up to highlight the picture and press select.

Polymorph Animation
Disc 2 - Animated Menu : On the bonus menu, wait for the Polymorph to become a white rabbit, then highlight and select it.
Disc 2 - Plain Menu: Press left from the 'Back' option to highlight the Polymorph, then press select.

Polymorph Attack - Original Footage
Disc 1: Let the menu music and animation play through twice (lasting one minute). When the Polymorph slug appears and becomes a rabbit, highlight it and press select. (Follow the White Rabbit? Like The Matrix DVD? You see what we did there? Ah, never mind...)

Series IV
Dimension Jump Animation
Disc 2 - Animated Menu: Wait until the matter paddle appears, then highlight and select it.
Disc 2 - Plain Menu: Press left from the 'Back' option to highlight the matter paddle, then press select.

Red Nose Promo
Disc 1: Enter the scene selection menu for DNA and go to the second screen showing the last four chapters. Highlight the egg being laid by the chicken and press select.

Easter Egg Easter Egg
Disc 1: From the main menu highlight the 'Select Episode' option and select. As the camera moves down the corridor, you'll see a skutter waving a videotape - press select at this point to be whisked to the egg. (Egg? Whisk? Geddit?)

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Mack on 07-05-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, ConCor
Special Requirements: copy of dvd's
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jay-z2004 writes:
This was well copied from the book of DVD easter eggs priced £6.99 from WHSmiths. Right down to the jokes too, nice touch!
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Neil writes:
Can anyone offer further directions to the original Polymorph footage, which menu should play twice on disc one for the slug/rabbit to appear??
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