Paper Money Easter Egg - Dollar Bill Fun

1)For the owl in the bill get a $1 bill and a good pair of eyes. Next, look at the front of the bill, on towards the top right "1", and in curve in the design thats closest to the 2nd "A" in "America", is a tiny owl, so tiny, you might not even notice it if you look, but its there, trust me.

2)on some bills is a website called,"". if this is written on a bill(or if you were to write it on a couple) you can go on the website, type in the serial no. and find out how its been used, how long its been used, when, and where, too.

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  6.5/10 with 83 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-23-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
Special Requirements: a $1 bill, and a good pair of eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

The owl on the dollar bill.
The owl on the dollar bill.

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


I thought that was a spider. No?
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igeek writes:
The pattern around the edge of a $1 bill is reminiscent of a spider web. I've heard it's not an owl, but the spider that wove the web. Use a magnifying glass or microscope.
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Scott Madden writes:
Are you sure it's an owl you're seeing? There's a spider sitting in the curved indent on the top left corner of the top right that what you're seeing? I don't see any other animals...
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Batman writes:
All I can see is the spiderweb. I can't even see the spider/owl.
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turdman writes:
okay, so the person who contributed this egg is awesome, i can clearly, without a microscope, see an owl. P.S. I sure hope our political leaders have better things to do than make up crap like this
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I looked at this under a microscope and I thought it didn't look like a spider or an owl...
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JimmyGoGO writes:
It's there cause Bonzi Buddy said so
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Wow! I dont know about the spider, but I can just make out the Owl. Why does'nt Euro money have any cool stuff like this? You Americans get all the fun...
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Dodos622 writes:
Euro monney has also a little joke!!!! Look at the right to Norway (1 euro and 2 euro). It looks like a .... Also how do you know if a 20 euro is fake? Hit it with a hamer. If the windows are broken its fake!!!!
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Jennie writes:
I must not be looking at the same thing. If you look on the bottom of a dollar bill (George side up), look at the "One Dollar" line at the bottom and then look slightly to the right or left, there is a spider looking design. It is the same design in the curve of the 1 only it's cut off a bit in the curve. If the two at the bottom are spiders then the top one is too, but they just look like designs to me.
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awbaseballer writes:
i see the thing your talking about and it is definently an owl not a spider i could make out the spider if i was TOTALLY STUPID but ya its an owl. more specific, see the 1 in the top right corner the outline of it there is a curve in top left it is right there
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mr.ouchies writes:
I would like to say, how the hell did you see this egg in the first place. Second, good eye man! Third, when I first saw it, I thought it was cool. But then I thought about it more and more...government is watching our every move... But seriously. I think this was purposly put in so counterfeiters would not put it in because they didnt see it, and when being accused of this, the prosecutors would check that corner...the evidence would be on their bills... no owl.
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ando writes:
The Freaky thing about that OWL is you should do some research about our founding fathers and there secret society and the equivalence of the OWL see it for yourself at .. the crest around the owl in the pic you will see says "Weaving spiders come not here" okay im scared like HELL now ..perhaps i should go throw all my money away at the local booby bar
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ando writes:
And one more thing, I don't see either one of them owl or spider but it really freaks me out that I stumbled upon this sight and knew the history about the owl and spider and the twelve bloodlines. I wish i could see it
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mike writes:
yep...its a spider...not an owl... the border of the front and the back of the dollar bill is all covered with spider webs...that one little spider did all that....busy little guy, huh????
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i was here writes:
different money fun. get a bill. fold the edges of the mouth of the queen/president/famous guy ect. then, fold the two edges together like a mad fold-in. undo. put creases at a 90 degree angle. look at the bill at different angles. the queen/president/famous guy ect should look like he/she's smiling/ frowning! sorry about all the slashes
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Pharnaces writes:
Before finding the "owl", look at the bottom. Lined along the bottom is a spiderweb like design, with spiders on the bottom in gaps. Examine those spiders! Now, look at the owl, between the top left corner of the "one" design and the olive branch If you see the owl, you will notice that it has the same head and part of the arms as the spiders have. So... If you say it's an owl, take into consideration that it looks like the top of the spider. If you say it's a spider, take into consideration it was cleverly cut off to make it look like an owl.
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mandee_814 writes:
okay, i've seen everything that everyone is claiming to be an owl and spiders, however, i don't believe they are either one. Because if you look above the 1 in the RIGHT BOTTOM corner, you will.....that little spider design, only bigger. Same thing with the 1 in the BOTTOM LEFT corner. So, my theory, they are just designs, cut shorter, that people claim are spiders and owls. But the owl thing does look like an owl.....
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mandee_814 writes:
okay, i've seen everything that everyone is claiming to be an owl and spiders, however, i don't believe they are either one. Because if you look above the 1 in the RIGHT BOTTOM corner, you will see.....that little spider design, only bigger. Same thing with the 1 in the BOTTOM LEFT corner. So, my theory, they are just designs, cut shorter, that people claim are spiders and owls. But the owl thing does look like an owl.....
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nasakid writes:
Also if you go to this website: It Shows Hidden Things On Bills.
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nasakid writes:
I Will End This Once And For All!! It Is A Spider Thingy As Shown In These Pictures!!
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mike0804 writes:
The owl represents the satanic white stone owl that world leaders worship in the forest amongst the redwoods near San Francisco. Google Bohemian Grove.
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Ten Peller writes:
I admire the human imagination, but it's not an owl. Look closely at the rest of the dollar bill. You will realize these are the results of repetition a form of design of which is called rhythm.
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