Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Easter Egg - Another Cameo

Peter Jackson's daughter gets yet another cameo in Return of the King. In the scene where Faramir and the rest of Gondor's soldiers are riding down the roads of minas tirith to almost certain death, it shows many women throwing flowers on the road then it shows a women with two children, the one with short black curly hair is peter jacksons daughter, so she gets a cameo in each of her dad's LOTR movies... lucky and extremely adorable kid.

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: queenxmab on 06-20-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
Special Requirements: ROTK dvd or vhs
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Zeupater writes:
Actually, during the departure of Faramir's company I believe you can see both Katie and Billy Jackson; both of Fran Walsh and Peter Jackson's most adorable children. They have cameos in all three films. Also, I believe in the commentary for the extended cut for 'Fellowship of the Ring' either Fran Walsh or Phillipa Boyens mentions that Billy Jackson is the only hobbit who did not need to wear a wig. He had 'perfect hobbit hair.'
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queenxmab writes:
awww theyre sooooo cute!
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Rob Sieg writes:
I'd also just like to add, both kids appear AGAIN near the end of the film. Look on the left hand side of the screen when Rosie and Sam get married. Billy and Katie are the Flower bearer and Ring Bearer.
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