Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Easter Egg - Gollum at Helms Deep

In the movie, during the battle of Helm's Deep when the Uruk-hai are trying to break down the door of the fortress with a battering ram (the first door), you'll see the close up of a human soldier throwing a spear from the top of the wall witch hits one of the Uruk-hai. That soldier is actor Andy Serkis who plays sneaky creature Gollum in the movie. Because Gollum is computer generated character and Andy Serkis's real face is never seen in the movie, I guess Serkis or Peter Jackson (movie director) wanted to have him in a human form at least in one shot, or they thought it would be cool for those who knew how Andy Serkis actually look’s like.
I saw this in the extended version but that does not mean it isn’t in the original one.
Please check.

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  3.6/10 with 31 votes
Contributed By: Nostromo on 06-08-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
Special Requirements: Extended version ???
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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RexTyler writes:
You are mistaken. That is none other than Peter Jackson throwing the spear. Have you not read these other eggs?
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inky writes:
Actually, I believe that it is not Andy Serkis but none other than director Peter Jackson. He is known to do camoes in all of his films. You can see him in FOTR as a man on the street eating a carrot. Blink and you'll miss him.
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RexTyler writes:
Besides, if you knew what the actors looked like you'd know that the spearman's eyes are too small to be Andy Serkis.
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Nostromo writes:
This is one rotten egg and I apologies. I saw that part of the movie several times more since I posted the egg, and read the comments, and I have to say I made one big mistake. I guess his beard trick me, not just that his eyes are too small they are also brown (Serkis has blue one’s). That guy never looked to me like Peter Jackson and it still doesn’t. But I guess it couldn’t be anyone else. Thanks for correcting me. What was I thinking!!!!?!!!!
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Gydea writes:
As you are already most likely aware, Andy Serkis does appear in human form in RotK as Gollum's uncorrupted self.
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EskimoBob writes:
Actually, the computer generated Gollum's face is based loosely on the actor's face. If he had appeared as a cameo it would have been obvious.
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