Evening With Kevin Smith, An Easter Egg - Hidden Q&A

On disc one, at the main menu highlight Subtitles. Then push right to highlight the flowers.

On disc one, in the subtitles menu highlight main menu. Then push left twice to highlight the circles.

On disc one, in the subtitles menu highlight english. Then push left twice to highlight the the tic-tac-toe game.

On disc one, in the scene selections menu highlight the return arrow with the circle. Then push up twice to highlight kevin's glasses.

On disc one, in the scene selections menu highlight the return arrow with the circle. Then push down twice to highlight the eraser.

On disc two, at the main menu highlight Play movie. Then push up to highlight the smiley.

On disc two, in the subtitles menu highlight english. Then push right twice to highlight the heart game.

On disc two, in the scene select menu highlight the return arrow with the circle. Then push down twice to highlight the kevin's shoe.

On disc two, in the trailers menu highlight Spider-man. Then push right twice to highlight E=mc2.

User Rating:
  8.7/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Cory Amico on 06-03-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
Special Requirements: The DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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