Coca Cola vending machine Easter Egg - Check Prices

On the right hand side where you choose your drink, press the buttons in this order. 4 2 3 1. This will bring up a weird screen.(I'm not completely sure what it does) but you can see the price for how many drinks have been sold by using buttons 1 and 2 to cycle through the drinks

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  7.0/10 with 93 votes
Contributed By: Chaoshybrid on 06-01-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
Special Requirements: A Coca Cola vending machine
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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static writes:
Actually, the 1 and 3 do not matter. Just hit the buttons in this order from the top: 4 2 3 1. There are several menus including Eror and SALE (the one you're talking about). From my experience these only work on Coca Cola vending machines from Royal Vending Co. The distributor ID can be found on the left side of the machine. You can navigate through the various menus by using the buttons like so: 1 - Return to last menu 2 - Up 3 - Down 4 - Enter/Select To return to normal mode just push the coin return, put money in, or hit 1 at the main menu. It's a neat trick to show off, but not much info can found besides errors like 'AClo' and 'door.' I usually just let it sit on 'Eror' (it returns to normal mode after a few minutes, and does no harm). For those confused, this shows up on the red display that usually scrolls ICE cold Coca-Cola.
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HyperHacker writes:
All you need to press is 4-2-3-1. You can check sales, error codes, etc. You can't change the prices, get free stuff, or empty the coin box unless the door is open in which case you can just take the pop anyway. (Of course, you can leave it at "ErOr" and tell the manager it crashed, and maybe score a free pop. ;))
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TheNull2.0 writes:
i tried this at my pool and opened the door from a menu(w00t to the newer models!!!)
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pasta writes:
null how did you open the door in the menu???¿¿¿
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Wallamanage writes:
This also works on the Lucozade machine at my local bowling alley. You have to take the top product to be number 1 the second product to be number 2 and so on. I started mucking around with the menu and I somehow got it to say that everything was sold out. It was weird because they had restocked it 5 minutes previously. And then half an hour later when I'd finished bowling it still said everything was sold out. It was so funny.
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Billy06 writes:
Does anyone know how to get any free drinks out of Australian Coke machines?
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You can watch a video of this here:
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nasakid writes:
I've tried thids and it didn't work
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Chinkubus writes:
The way it works is this: 4=coke 2=coke 3=diet coke 1=anything else Just press the buttons in the order 1234 and you're ready to have some fun!
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Tsuzyoko writes:
My friend has changed the price for a drink to $53.00 before.
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Brizzle writes:
Yeah... using 4-2-3-1 is actually an access code and in certain circumstances, you can get a free coke/soda. All you do is type in 4-2-3-1 then use two and three to navigate through all of the coke/soda's and when you find what you want press four. And thats how you Hack a coke machine. The only problem is, is that while most stores who own the Coke machines, find it easier for the person who fills the machines to just keep the same access code, *4-2-3-1*, Some store owners are smart and make sure that the code is changed, which is why it doesn't work for some people. This also works for Pepsi machines, but they have a different code although still containing the first four buttons. I don't know if any other soda machines work like this though. But its still cool to know. Just remember, if you plan on trying this, it IS stealing! It is still shop lifting and you can be fined. So thats why theres the change return, which exits out the screen immediately.
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pgj1997 writes:
It works on Aqua fina models, but the screen goes blank (instead of what you said) and it only shows the Temperature inside the machine after the message.
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