GameCube Easter Egg - Different Jingle

Plug in four controllers. Then hold down all four z buttons and turn on the gamecube. When the gamecube logo shows up you'll hear a different jingle than the norm. Enjoy.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-18-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: four controllers
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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daunrealist writes:
You actually do not need 4 controllers, it can be done with one, if you just hold the Z button down as you turn on the power.
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duck writes:
I beleive you only need to hold down one "Z" button.
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You don't have to plug in all four controllers to hear the alternate jingle, I could hear it by holding only one Z button down.
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lardieboy writes:
If you have all four controllers, then you hear japanese voices, whereas if you have just one you hear a kiddie rattle. the latter is nintendo laughing in the face of opponents who called it a "kiddie Console"
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Nickname writes:
The jingle heard when pressing one Z button is completely different from the four-Z jingle.
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Robbie90020 writes:
If you hold down the A button it will make the box spin fast and if you hold it long enough it will take you to an option menu.
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The truth: there are two jingles: 1: just hold Z on one controller (the laughing baby) 2: plug in 4 controllers and hold Z (the japanese daimyos) All of those who said that the trick works with one either have a late model cube or werent doing the latter properly. note: the japanese daimyos can only be done ONCE.
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Inukai writes:
People, there are two jingles to be heard. One is when you hold down one 'Z' button. The one this egg is talking about is when you hold down four 'Z' buttons.
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gamefreak writes:
I already added this egg! All 4 controllers make some kind of Hawaiian music
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