There's Something About Mary Easter Egg - Guitarist and Drummer

The annoying guitarist and drummer who don't really play their instruments and often show up in Something about Mary are also in the movie Kingpin where Woody Harrelson, and the other two characters are in a restaurant eating, and a small barfight erupts between the amish guy and some drunks. They are playing music the whole time. Kingpin was also made by the Farraley bros.

User Rating:
  4.3/10 with 51 votes
Contributed By: Peanut on 11-17-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch something about mary & kingpin
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MovieBuff writes:
If you watch all the Farrelly Bros. movies, the actors almost always appear again. Mary's neighbor is the same woman who played Woody Harrelson's landlord in Kingpin; she is also the upset dog owner in the beginning of Dumb and Dumber. The serial killer/hitchhiker also played the motorcycle cop in Dumb and Dumber. The police detectives also appeared in Dumb and Dumber; one as the bartender where Randy Quaid dances, and one as the bowler in the mansion.
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DeepStoat writes:
The singer is Johnathan Richman. The drummer is his sex-changed sister, Bruce.
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KurtCobain writes:
also the landlord is the catholic mom in detroit rock city.
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the singer, jonathan richman (and his drummer tommy larkins) is a) not annoying and b) widely considered not only a great singer/songwriter, but the grandfather of punk, since his band, the modern lovers, inspired both the ramones and the sex pistols.
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