Norton Antivirus Easter Egg - Team Pic in Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition

Hi! All
Please Follow the instructions carefully.
1. Open Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition from the Start up Menu.
2. Click the Help menu and from that click 'about Norton Antivirus corporate edition
3. In the about dialogue box, you will see empty space left to 'Close' button
4. While holding the Shift and Cntrl key double click with both the mouse button on the empty space just below horizontal scroll bar(just under where Version no is written{just below V and E of 'version'}).Don't click on the scroll bar but on the empty space below it.
5. You will see the team pic in another window, title of the pic is "Greetings from the NAV corporate Edition 7.0 IIiad Team" Now when you scroll over certain people there name is displayed on the title bar
Shaminder Sidhu
Kanbay Softwares LTd
[email protected]

User Rating:
  8.1/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: tellshami on 04-14-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: Windows NT 4.0 and Norton antivirus corporate Edition
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Mike writes:
You can also work this by loading into the Norton AntiVirus program, the about screen, hold down Control+Alt+Shift, double-right click on the header image, you will see the staff, move over their names, you will see their name in the title bar. ADDED BONUS = Hold down the Control key while moving over each person, it replaces their name with a Quote in the title bar.
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