Dogma Easter Egg - Final Credits

Watch all the way to the end of the credits and (once again) Kevin mentioned the name of his next film. (Clerks 2)

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-14-1999
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Special Requirements: patience
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Dave writes:
Actualy, Kevin Smith did an interview with a magazine and he said that clerks 2 is not going to be made. Also after the next movie of his the characters Jay & Silent Bob are no longer gonna be in his movies.
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joekool311 writes:
actually, at the end of Clerks, it says that "you can see jay and silent bob next in DOGMA" thats pretty weird, since the movies were about 6 years apart
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farble writes:
If you watch Mallrats all the way to the end it says "Watch for Jay and Silent Bob in Chasing Amy" Then in Chasing Amy it says "Watch for Jay andd Silent Bob in Dogma (we promise this time)"
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Nic Gordon writes:
Kevin has said that he wrote Clerks and Dogma at about the same time. He just didn't want to deal with all of the religious people coming down at him at that time. So he waited until recently to put it out.
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Athene writes:
The Clerks 2 thing was a joke, but they did make a Clerks cartoon. As for the reason why Smith waited so long to make Dogma (even though he wrote the script ages ago), he said that he wanted to do the special effects correctly and at the time he didn't have the money.
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jupiter writes:
He wrote Clerks, Dogma, Mallrats, Chasing Amy I've heard he didn't have the money or resources to make Dogma. the end of his movies he always talks about platypuses
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Strych writes:
He Wrote them in this order: Dogma, Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy. He wanted to wait to make Dogma so the right special effects look right
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Glass Child writes:
Didn't Kevin always say that Dogma was the sequel to Clerks ?
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whatelse writes:
Also, in Vincent Periera's movie A Better Place, Dogma is sprayed on a wall behind the characters. pointless, yes i know, but isn't everything.
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Nightcrawler writes:
Clerks two wasn't a joke but it's not going to be made the new movie is going to be Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. None of the movie's are really sequels but they are all linked in the same world.
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Mentor writes:
Hypotheticly, aren't all of the movies sequels, simply because of the time-line and that so many chars. overlap?
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ManFearinGod writes:
Well whoopi-doo. Here's some info for you. The next movie from Smith takes place between Clerks and Dogma. Basically There was the drowning one day,Mallrats the next, then Clerks the next day. Chasing Amy is YEARS later. Dogma sorta fits in before Chasing Amy. If you loog around comic stores for the JAy and Bob comic book you clearly see them leaving NJ after their time at the QuickStop. The book ends with them sitting in an almost empty parking lot waiting to pick up a single chick at the abortion clinic where their Dogma days started.
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AkiraJones writes:
Actually, I believe the movies are basically in chronological order. I remember reading the first issue of the comic book; in it, Jay gets the idea to go Illinois while he and Bob are watching a John Hughes movie in a department store (kinda like their MTV commercial, remember that one?) At the end of the issue, Jay and Bob are seen entering the diner for their meeting with Holden in Chasing Amy, then making a mad dash for the bus to Illinois, where they're first seen in Dogma. P.S.-For those not in the know, Kevin Smith wrote a Jay and Silent Bob comic book series which actually fills in some of the blanks in the movies. For instance, it explains why there's a monkey at the end of Mallrats.
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1stVamp writes:
It's an Orang Utang ape. Not a monkey.
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LMV713 writes:
In the book that comes with the Chasing Amy DVD, it states that the drowning happened on a Thursday, Mallrats on Friday, Clerks on Saturday, and Chasing Amy 2 years later. Also, if you listen as Jay and Silent Bob are leaving the diner in Chasing Amy, Jay says that they have to catch a bus to Chicago (I think he says "Chi-town"). This leads me to believe that Dogma is even after that. I've not read the comic books but this is what I've gathered from the information I have. Continuity or not, they are all great movies!
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IanBoy69 writes:
The Orang-Utan, "Susanne", at the end of Mallrats was put there because Kevin Smith wanted to test how many of his demands the studio, Gramercy Pictures, would meet. I read that on
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GwenGrrl writes:
actually, having read the comic AND seen all movies numerous times, i believe they are in chronological order. also, if you listen closely to Jay talking to the angels on the train he describes the scene where Silent Bob dressed like batman and swung into the wall. true, this could have happened years ago, but... i dunno, maybe i'm just show'n off. nootch.
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all i know for sure is that mallrats happens before dogma. when jay and silent bob were in the train, jay described when silent bob crashed through the wall in mallrats.
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NitroFire writes:
The movies are in chronological order, except Clerks and Mallrats take place at about the same time. They both happen the day after Julie's death. Dogma happens after Mallrats because in the train scene, Jay is talking about a scene from Mallrats, and Dogma is after Chasing Amy, which is why the book Chasing Dogma explains the story in between them.
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Dillon writes:
Clerks 2 will not be made. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is the last of the chain of movies Kevin Smith will make with this cast. Kevin oginally wanted to make a Clerks 2(he thought it would be a nice bookend, you know 1st is Clerks last is Clerks 2) but decided to play it safe and end with Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, a new movie with a new plot.
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GwenGrrl writes:
well, with Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back out now, guess we all know why Suzane was in the end of Mallrats (p.s. for those of you who've read the comic and are avid fans, the so called "last Kevin Smith film" kind of goes against it)
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Renton writes:
Its true that Kevin wrote Clerks and Dogma first, then Mallrats and Chasing Amy, but they were definitely not set in chronological order. Mallrats was set first, the morning Julie Dwyer died in the YMCA pool. Clerks is set the next day, the day of her funeral (Leading to arguments about why Willam Black in Mallrats is so different to Willam Black the next day since Ethan Suplee played him in Mallrats following Scott Mosier playing the same role in Clerks). Chasing Amy is set some years later when Jay and Silent Bob have formulated their plan to become the blunt connection in Sherma, Illinois hence the tickets can be seen in Jays pocket during their meeting with Holden. The journey from that scene to their appearance in Dogma is detailed in the Jay and Silent Bob comic series including Suzanne the orangutan. Clerks 2 was hastily stuck at the end of Dogma as 'the next film' even though Kevin Smith didn't have a firm idea/script ready. Thus he instead made 'Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back' as a better bookend to all his Jersey movies. Now he has revealed that 'Clerks 2: Clerks Sell Out' is indeed on the way - An animated movie drawn from the short-lived animated series. Snoogans.
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EddieG writes:
Clerks and Dogma were written at about the same time, but a studio wanted him to make Mallrats first, so Dogma was put on the back burner(not to mention that everyone around Kevin was saying that Dogma was too good a movie to put out second). Then he got the idea for Chasing Amy, so again, Dogma was put on the burner.
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thabearrocks writes:
Dogma cannot happen after Jay & Silent Bob, since when Jay is talking about Morris Day & the Time, he says that Jungle Love was written by God HERself, and handed down to them. Therefore, he knows that God is a woman. So, the chronological order goes: -Mallrats -Clerks (RIGHT after Mallrats) -Chasing Amy -Dogma -Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back -The final scene in Mallrats where they have the Orangutan. The final scene in Mallrats can kind of be viewed as the final closing piece of the puzzle, since it takes place after Jay & Silent Bob. ~Nootch
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Sibermix writes:
TheSteelBlade you are totaly wrong! First Dogma is mentioned in Jay and silent bob strike back, when the kids make fun of the band "the Time" jay says the lyrics were "handed down by god herself" this had to have been said after dogma as this is when the fact god is a woman was reveiled. And if that is nt proof enough in chasing amy when jay and SB are talking to Holden Jay has two tickets too Chicago in his front coat pocket. This is pointed out on the official chasing amy website. The monkey at the end of Mallrats has no signifigance to the story line the only reason it is there is because Kevin Smith and Scot Mosier asked the miramax representitive for one to see what she would say.
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hawaiianheat writes:
Someone said that Dogma was not alluded to in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Obviously you missed the following: 1. Jay's comment of "God herself" 2. God's appearance after the credits are over 3. The "Buddy Christ" on a dashboard.
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Kevin Smith always wanted to make Dogma, But he waited until later to do it. He did write Dogma first, and just because something like one line was in a movie, does not prove anything. Do you think that they always go by what the script says exactly. Maybe Kevin Smith decided to add it in later, as a tribute to his other works.
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Relling writes:
the new jersey series by kevin smith isn't in any order whatsoever! and here is why.. kevin smith had the same basic people in each movie(showing that in jersey, you run into the same person more that once)he then made a timeline and spliced it randomly(to show that you lose track of time in jersey) then at the end of mallrats and clerks, he left false messages(showing that in jersey, words mean nothing) kevin smith is really a genius when you think about all the things that he has done!
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