Gladiator Easter Egg - Zulu Zulu Zulu!

Watch the movie Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe. The movie begins with a battle between Romans and some Germanic tribe. If you listen to the chant from the Germanic Tribe, you can hear "ZULUUUUUUU" several times quite clearly. This chant is taken directly from the old movie "ZULU" (Starring Michael Caine), where, when British Troops are under siege from Zulu Warriors, the Zulu war cry, perhaps obviously, is ZuLU. In fact, I don't even know if this is really an Easter Egg, but it was damn interesting when I clued in. If anyone can post a connection between the two movies, I would love to read it!

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 56 votes
Contributed By: Genetic Blueprint on 10-13-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the Gladiator Film (Uncut)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Mindy writes:
Actually, the germanic tribe in the begining of the movie shout out "Hund." This is the german word for dog. The leader of the group, the guy who threw the head back, shouts at the Romans, "Du bist ein hund." This is german for, "you are a dog." I've studied German for many years and have trained ears but I can see where the mistake could be made.
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tacsnevets writes:
I've seen the film 'Zulu' many, many times and the sequence in 'Gladiator' DOES include a straight lift from 'Zulu's soundtrack. You don't need trained ears to recognise it either; just watch the film!
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Severus writes:
Just watched it on VHS and wasn't really paying attention then I heard that familiar Zulu chant and I instantly recognized it. "Moo-Kwah-Tee" "HEE-uh" "Moo-Kwah-Tuti" "Hee-uh!" I wonder if anyone knows more of the reason why they included it. There is no correlation bewteen the two movies Except maybe the fight between "civilized" and "uncivilized" peoples.
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russ writes:
mindy is right, i know german and that is exactly what they say before the horse returns with the headless man. however, after that is the REAL challenege, take another few listens Mindy and let me know what you think. ZULU in germany? how dumb! .....
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amused writes:
It's so obvious. The Romans were campaigning in the Black Forest in Germany.
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MajorMadd writes:
I too know German and yes you are correct about the German that is used. However, you have missed the Zulu chant that is very clearly there.
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