Poodle Hat (Weird Al Yankovic) Easter Egg - Three 27's

"Wierd" Al has a reputation for puting 27 in many of his albums, here are three in his new one, Poodle Hat.

1. Look very closely at the boy scout's arm on the cover, there is a badge that reads 27.

2. Poodle Hat has nine letters in it and it shows up three times, one on the cover and one on both sides. Nine times three = you guessed it 27.

3. In the song Hardware Store near the end of the second paragraph he says "every ~*27th*~ customer gets a ball peen hammer free." ^^^^^^^^

If you find anymore please post it in the posty thingy under these eggs.

Also there is a menu thing if you put the disc in your computer with a slideshow of Al's life and more stuff.

User Rating:
  8.8/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: reptile king on 07-03-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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fats writes:
Thanks, dude. I knew that there would be 27's SOMEWHERE, but I couldn't find them.
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SychoSide writes:
Also, there is a 27 on the clear plastic part of the disc near the center hole. Well, it's there on my copy at least.
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