Daredevil Easter Egg - It's Stan!

If you look when the young Daredevil is crossing the street, near the progressive beginning of the movie, he holds his cane up to stop a man who is reading a newspaper and about to walk into traffic.

For a short second, the man takes down his newspaper and reveals himself to be...Stan Lee! The creator of the Marvel comics.

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 61 votes
Contributed By: movieman1214 on 05-15-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the film, or cash to see it at the cinema
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Boneho Chane writes:
I noticed this too, but his name was mentioned clearly in the credits as Old Man.
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Meira writes:
Stan Lee is in every marvel comic film made. He's a hot dog vendor (haven't seen him yet but he's credited) in X-men, he's a security guard in the hulk and a random bystander in Spiderman (according to a friend). He also makes a cameo appearance in Mallrats (Kevin Smith film), but that's an obvious one.
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