System Shock 2 Easter Egg - Developer Face on Rumbler

This isn't too hard to see, you just have to kill one of the Rumblers from the game to see it. On the right (left?) 'shoulder' of the Rumbler there is a face painted on the skin of the rumbler. If I'm not mistaken this is one of the developers. I saw this one in "The Body of the Many" level, but I can't believe its only on this one particular Rumbler - the face is in black and white.

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Eigenvector on 11-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: System Shock 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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It's not just that one rumbler, It's on almost all of them. It seem that different developers faces are one each one.
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OMEGA writes:
I'm not sure about the developer thing, I'll check with Irrational, but the textures used on the rumbler are actually made up of naked people, look around and you'll find a screenshot that proves it, there was one in an Australian Games magazine called PCPowerPlay [the specific issue, naturally, I can't find anymore, it will be between issue #42 and issue #50 in the "Inbox" letters section.
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brimstoned writes:
OMEGA you are wrong. The naked skins are for Requiem: Avenging Angel (rumblers almost looks the same as that dog). PCPP also cleared it up they reprinted it in another issue in the letters bit and put pointers to the naked people =)
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ataricom2 writes:
If you have researched the Rumbler Organ, read the info on it. It says something about "... a complex brain stem, but it doesn't seem to be connected to anything..." The head may just be that brain the research soft. mentions.
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