Daredevil Easter Egg - Comic Book Writers/Artists

1. Got to the cinema and watch Daredevil
2. When Matt's dad is fighting, there is a poster in the background saying Matt the Devil Murdock versus John Romita. John Romita was a Daredevil artist
3. When Ben Urich goes to the morgue, he meets Jack Kirby, played by Kevin Smith. Jack Kirby was the original Daredevil artist.
4. The man on trial in the court scence is called Mr. Quesada. This is in reference to Joe Quesada who ios (i think) Editor in Chief at Marvel Comics.
5. Also in the film, there are references to a Mack and Bendis. Both are writers of Daredevil.

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 42 votes
Contributed By: cybershark on 04-03-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Daredevil movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Only a true comic book fan would recognize that, I dont know if you mentioned this, but when young Matt Murdock is putting his dad to bed after he fell asleep whiel watching a fight, The dad is listing off people he beat during his years of fighting, all of these people are writters for the Mavel Universe
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Bob Schroeck writes:
There is a brief moment where young Matt uses his cane to prevent an older gentleman from stepping off a curb into dangerous traffic. That gentleman is Stan Lee, *the* man at Marvel, co-creator of Daredevil, Spiderman, you name it...
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Steve writes:
Correct me if i am wrong but Kevin smith, also has something to do with the darvedevil comic. Either he writes or draws.
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