Oregon Trail 2 Easter Egg - Grauhausen, Criminals and Spitting Noises

In Oregon Trail 2, set your destination as Oregon. make sure that along the way you stay on the trail to Oregon. towards the end (when you choose whether you want to raft yourself to the end or you want to pay 80$ for someone else to do it) you will reach a place called "Fort Vancouver." choose "visit the fort" and look around. you will see 2 buildings entirely gray. this is because the lead animators last name is grauhausen, which sounds like german for gray house.

also, in the various forts, on the sheriff's offices, there is always a "wanted" poster which has a staff member's pic and name on it.

last but not least is the silly sound fx scattered throughout the forts in this game. occasionally, in the stores, there will be a spitoon that you can click on to here a rather un-appetizing noise. also, dogs and cats and cows and horses and even spanish immigrants can offer there noises if you click on one.

User Rating:
  4.9/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Syko Sillyfy Me Cap'n on 12-05-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Oregon Trail 2, stamina
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Pictures and Videos

Fort Vancouver grey building 1 Fort Vancouver grey building 2
Fort Vancouver grey building 1 Fort Vancouver grey building 2

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