XX (Mushroomhead) Easter Egg - "Bwomp" - a Secret Track Which Is an Extended Version of Track 2

1) Place the cd into the cd player.
2) Play through until album finishes or skip to the end of track 17.
3) The album should then take you through lots of silent tracks.
4) When you reach track 45 you will hear a secret track called "Bwomp".
5) You will then think to yourselves, "Wait a minute! This is the same song as track 2!!!"
6) I will commend you for being correct. But wait if you listen long enough you will now realise:- "Hey this is an extended version of track 2!"
7) You will then rate this egg with a decent score and thank oldpumpkinface for being so great!

Thank you for your time.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 102 votes
Contributed By: oldpumpkinface on 11-04-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: cd player,mushroomhead-XX cd.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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cornholio07 writes:
First of all, its song 43, not 45, and second... its just Bwomp from another one of the old cds.
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Joe Schloss writes:
Does anyone know what the backwards message is in that song?
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