Spiderman Easter Egg - Heads Up on Spoiler Sites?

Watch when when Peter is taking pictures with his camera about half-way through the movie. It will show a view of what he is seeing through the lense of the camera. Through the lense we see a man holding a newspaper. The headline of the paper reads something like this:"Spoiler sites ruin ending of movie." Thats not exactly how it goes, but you get the idea.

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  4.8/10 with 52 votes
Contributed By: blacklabelrulz12 on 09-15-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: nothing
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DarkHorse219 writes:
Where exactly is this? The only newspaper I have found is before the World Unity Festival that says "Big Apple Dreads Spider Bite" and has a picture of Spider Man on the cover.
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sesame85 writes:
Not sure, I'm going to go look later, but I think s/he means when Peter is taking pictures of himself in action. I believe you get a quick glimpse into the camera. (Although I dont totally believe that it would say THAT)
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Sam Kered writes:
I think it shows up when Spider Man gets the guy robbing the lady and the camera is taking photos of him.It is there for a brief second.
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