Vanilla Sky Easter Egg - Strange Single Frames in Tom Cruise's Life Flashback

Go to the scene way at the end of the movie when Tom's charicter jumps off the building in order to return back to a real life. As he is falling his life starts flashing before him. At this point you have to slow the play down so you can view the images frame by frame. Near the end of the flashback there are several very strange single frame pictures that are impossible to see at normal speed. One or two is of Tom's charicter holding a gun (which never happens in the movie) one is of his plastic surgeon in the film giving the camera the finger. One is of Penelope Cruz's charicter tied up on the bed, which is strange becuase in the movie its Cameron Diaz's charicter that gets tied up. There are several others that are very interesting. Check it out!!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 88 votes
Contributed By: Ian on 09-04-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD Player, Vanilla Sky DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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PAUL MAC writes:
There are also single frame shots at the start of the movie when he is running through times square. They show pictures of his magazines with various celebs on the cover, his father, and shows a shot of the bridge the car drives off of. And other stuff.
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Dls writes:
-Warning: Spoilers- The image with Tom with a gun comes from a scene that was shot but finally they didn't include in the movie. Like in the original film, "Abre los ojos", in the last part, when the Cryo company guy is explaining the life-dream concept, Tom should escape from the building trying to demonstrate to the psychiatrist that this is what's really happening with him. The guards want to stop him, so he takes a gun from one of them and shoot the other. That's the moment when everybody disappears, except Tom, the psychiatrist and the 'Tech support' guy.
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