Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Expansion Easter Egg - Activate Scripts

if you have enabled the cheat keys, and you push ctrl+I, it will trigger a conversation script. if you have the people that the script involves in your party, then they will have the conversation. otherwise nothing happens. if you want to trigger all scripts possible for certain people without having to have them in the party for enough time for those convestations to occur, simply get them in your party, hold ctrl+i, and it will run through the long list of available convesations until it hits one with the right people. you can do this repeatedly to listen to all the interesting discussions you party members have with each other.

make sure to do it with minsc and jan in the party, because their convesations are very... interesting.

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  8.6/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: Virusgod on 09-03-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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