Shrek Easter Egg - Duloc Is the Perfect Place?

One of Shrek's producers/writers is a Notre Dame Alumni. Notre Dame's full name is The University of Notre Dame Du Lac (The University of Our Lady of the Lake, French). Notre Dame's official constitution is called simply, DuLac(remember the song Shrek and Donkey listen to?). Moreover, the Castle in Shrek is a replica of the Notre Dame library!

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  5.8/10 with 249 votes
Contributed By: Joshny on 08-20-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Have seen Shrek
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InsaneElf_15 writes:
This whole movie was just one big parody. There is a joke behind everything. Like, at the end when they're all singing and dancing to "I'm a Believer", you can see Snow White doing this weird dance that is the one that Elaine from Seinfeld did. The one thing I can't figure out is the joke behind the name Farquad...
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Nathan writes:
There is a scene in Shrek, where Lord Fahrquad is lying in bed and he tells the mirror to "play it again". The thing that most people miss is that the mirror has a disgusted look on his face. And it is obvious by the other items in the scene that Lord Fahrquad was pleasuring himself.
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egg_man writes:
there is another scene in the film where shrek and donkey are in the castle, just after where they go their sparate ways donkey then goes on to say how he is the stair master, and he has mastered the stairs. he has said this twice ( eddie murphy), once in the nutty professer and in this film , shrek.
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Gydea writes:
To Nathan - Goodness, how naive I am. I thought the mirror was disgusted because Lord Farquad (sp?) had a gross looking body. Ick.
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eberner writes:
Maybe if the whole DuLac thing was about Notre Dame, then, Fahquad has something to do with that also. If you go to the Notre Dame web site, and search for quad, you can see that there are quite a few "quads" (different buildings) in there, so, maybe while that person was going to school there, one of them was the far quad.
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amanda writes:
Am I crazy, or does the kingdom of Duloc(sp?) remind anyone else of Disneyland??
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pc writes:
ok, first of all "notre dame du lac" is french, not latin. also, farquaad (according to rumor at Notre Dame) is a reference to Carroll Hall, which is halfway around the lake from the rest of campus (which makes it a pretty crappy place to live in my opinion). another possible thing to note is the fact that shrek and the princess sleep separately from each other. at notre dame, there exists a rule that says that a person can't be in the dorm room of the opposite sex past midnight.
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Boris writes:
Notre Dame Du Lac is not latin moron, its french!
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also, when lord farquad is in bed or whatever with the mirror, he looks under the covers and smiles. he obvisouly had a boner.
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Sean Rega writes:
Far quaad is reference not to Carroll Hall, but "Far Quad", as in a housing quad. The lake in the rear of Notre Dame separates South Quad housing from "Far Quad" in a "land far, far away" across the lake in seclusion.
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Kingrow writes:
The Farquad joke is an adult joke that kids won't understand until later in life... I believe it's a play-on-words of the term "F*** wad". Yeah... I could be wrong, but it's all I can think of.
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herbgirl writes:
When you watch the "bedroom scene" with Farquaad and the mirror, just watch the black/white blanket over Farquaad's lap when the mirror shows him the Princess again. Just before he peeks under the covers, you will see the blanket bulge up a bit like he's getting an is very clear. Pretty obvious and raunchy for a kid flick.
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Eiliagh writes:
As far as the Disneyland comment, the University of Notre Dame has been referred to as the "Catholic Disneyland". So, it is a viable possibility. There are a lot of similarities. In the song Duloc, it is telling them how to behave in the city; DuLac (the ND student handbook) has all of the rules for being a student. And the image of "perfect" is often portrayed.
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