Star Wars Jedi Academy: Jedi Search Easter Egg - THX 1138

THX-1138 can be found in Jedi Search. On page 31, Wedge keys in the code "SGW 0027" to shut down a construction droid. SGW 0027 is a simple one-letter/number transposition from THX 1138: letter after S is T, letter after G is H, letter after W is X, number after 0 is 1, and so on.
For those of you who don't know yet, THX 1138 is a reference to one of George Lucas's early movies, and can be found in several Star Wars films.

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  6.2/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-24-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the book
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me writes:
That mnade no sense to me. So how does that code thing have to do with that other code. They weren't the same numbers .. ..... am I missing something here?
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Emperor N3 writes:
"Me": if you take the letter before the "T" you get "S". The letter that comes before "H" in the alphabet is "G", and so on. If you subtract 1 from each number in the code, you get "1138". You were right! The two codes are different, but if you subtract a letter or number from the letters or numbers in the book, you get the name of George Lucas' student film. It's quite easy when it's explained to you. (And to think: I haven't even read the book!)
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