Pepsi Cans Easter Egg - Pepsi Can Sex

In the early 90's, pepsi released a Neon Light's special design on their cans for a couple of months. It was a black can with pink and blue neon lines in seemingly random arrangement. If you put two cans on top of each other, and turned them a certain way, the cans read "sex" very plainly and bluntly across the length of them, if you know some one who collects pepsi cans, see for yourself.

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  6.7/10 with 260 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-28-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Two of the old "Neon Lights" pepsi cans
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Pepsi can sex
Pepsi can sex

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Scolman writes:
You really have to make your mind up on this one, check out the following page
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zadigadabop writes:
I have these cans and yes they do spell this, intentional or not!
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spasman writes:
Hey, John! put a line under F and you get E.
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Here we go again. "SFX or SEX?" Why is it everytime somebody says sex on here, another guy says SFX? For one thing, I'm sure SOME of these guys have to be perverts. For another, what does SFX have to do with a Pepsi can? The only reason I could find for the designers putting SFX in is because they like easter eggs and decided this was a funny, funny joke. Not bloody likely. Nobody's THAT bored, 'cept maybe me, and unfortunately, I don't design soft drink cans. I say the artists here are perverted, bored, frustrated, and immature, four character traits they should be commended for simply on the basis that I have them. Incidentally, I haven't seen the cans yet, nor do I much care to. It's not SFX unless the artists are serious movie addicts or computer geeks.
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I take that back... I looked at the can and it does indeed say "SFX," unless you count the line made by the plain silver bottom of the can. I guess those guys really WERE bored. As to other disputes of "SEX" in popular culture, I had always thought it was SFX in the Disney movies myself, but judging from the pictures reached by the links at the can site, I'd say the Lion King at least has that stuff in it. The only way you could mistake it for SFX is that the bottom line kind of bends away in an oddly-angled curve. That is indeed an "e" however. A skeptic is converted!
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Weiner writes:
I think they were just writing the letters p-e-p-s-i on the bottle, they just happened to look like s-e-x. If you look at the x, it has a line at the top and i think its supposed to be a p.
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fats writes:
Oh, thanks! Now all I have to do is contact my friend who collects pepsi cans! They are pretty abundent. Sheesh.
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turdman writes:
okay, you can kinda see sex, but you really see an S, an F (silver part of the can makin the bottom the of the E) and a half of an X. So i conclude that some guy who couldn't get no lovin' saw sex in some stacked pepsi cans
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Time Magazine says it's an accdient
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ekwfan6 writes:
There is no company named SFX that does special effects. Seriously, that would be like naming a soda brand "Soda". It's ridiculous. Whether the "sex" on the can was intentional or not, it's there. Look at the Snopes website, there is obviously an E. F's don't have three lines, I know, I get my fair share of them.
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i was here writes:
SEX, SFX. oh please, i am so sick of those coments. by the way, sex is funnier.he he he.
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Guess Who writes:
i dont know.....that would have to be a pretty big mistake, plus i dont think disney and pepsi are really obsessed with "sound effects", and you'd have to be pretty stupid to "Accidently" form lines that spell out sex. just admit it. the whole world is filled with sex obsessed perverts, and i'm proud.
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nasakid writes:
it's sfx
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nasakid writes:
It's spelling PEPSI!!! I LIKE HIPPIES.
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Credo writes:
There's more to the design yet. It's not just a two can graphic, but the effect grows... If you stack many cases of the cans (I.E. a full forklift pallet set down in a large super market), they will spell even larger versions of "SEX". I well recall entering a super market once which had almost a full wall from floor to ceiling stacked full. One pallet full gave a giant diagionally positioned spelling of SEX. It's slightly subliminal in nature for most people, but once you know it's there, you can easily see it. Credo
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Devann writes:
This HAS to be intentional.If it wasn't,why would they make somthing like it anyway? You guys have to face it. The world is FULL if perverted men.
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Reeferturtle writes:
It wasn't random neon lines that formed sex, it was supposed to be the first two letters of PEPSI, because in such huge neon letters, they couldn't fit the whole word. Besides, if they intended them to connect, they would have made the E fit.
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A few years ago I read that after Pepsi released these cans to the stores, the sales went up dramatically. Yes the word sex was put on these cans on purpose. You see SEX sells product. Even SFX sells product. Your subconcious mind see's the SFX and it fills in the blanks so that your conscious mind can make sense of what you see. Your subconcious mind will view one can as you look it over. There are pink or red lines at the top and at the bottom of these cans, your subconcious puts these lines together causing the word sex to appear. I don't know how many people had sex after viewing these cans, but I am sure alot of teenage guys for some unknown reason to them switched from drinking Coke to drinking Pepsi.
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dgg writes:
I agree that it looks like "sex" but grow up guys. It's SFX, Special Effects. It's very easy to understand by the groovy lines all over the can, and it's light. They may have actually tried to make it LOOK LIKE "Sex" but it actually says "SFX"
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Wedgie writes:
That's not an X! That's an F or a P.
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koira writes:
It says SFF.
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