Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Easter Egg - Susan Bones

Chris Columbus, the director of the film, made sure that Harry Potter consisted of an all British cast. However, there was a single American in the film. His daughter, Eleanor Columbus. During the sorting hat scene (scene 12 for those of you with the DVD version) all the major characters are sorted, starting with Hermione. After her, a long hair red headed girl named Susan Bones is called forward.

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Contributed By: Spike Cyber on 07-10-2002
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Special Requirements: Any copy of the movie
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fats writes:
Well, if her name was in the credits, it's not that much of an egg.
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Evman writes:
Actually you are wrong about Susan Bones not being mentioned in the books. She is in the Great Hall being sorted with Harry in the first book, just like the first movie (well, my copy of the book anyway). She is also listed as being a Hufflepuff in Beachams Unofficial Harry Potter Guide.
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Cyd/Sid writes:
Maybe Susan Bones will show later in the seris?
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Susan Bones is a character from the books. She became a Hufflepuff in the Sorting in Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. It was also mentioned that the Boneses were killed by Voldemort. Readers believe them to be Susan Bones' parents or other relatives.
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bmlprincess writes:
Actually, she IS mentioned in the books. Maybe just once per book, but she's in there. They wouldn't just make up characters, anyway.
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I think Susan Bones is mentioned in one of the books. I also heard that she will be playing a larger part in one of the other books - i think the next one -order of the phoenix :)
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Sailor C writes:
Actually, Susan Bones is mentioned in the first book, and sorted into Hufflepuff. American Hardback version, First book, Chapter seven, page 119, line 15 mentions the name. The next line refers to her house.
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mrmcgoogle writes:
Actually, she was one of the kids sorted in the first book, but had no other part. Brush up on your Harry Potter knowledge, please (just kidding, I heard someone else say that in a post and thought it was funny)!
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Dakamus writes:
Two things. Susan Bones IS mentioned in the first Harry Potter book. Go through and re-read the Sorting Ceremony scene. Second, Verne Troyer (a.k.a. Mini-Me), who is American, is in the film. He plays the Goblin who takes Harry and Hagrid to their vaults in Gringott's Bank.
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piper writes:
Actually, Susan Bones is mentioned in the Harry Potter series, in the first book. Twice, in fact. Some fans speculate that Rowling wanted Susan Bones in the film because she is, or will be, signifigant later in the book series.
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disneychick writes:
Actually, Susan Bones named in the first book exactly as she is in the movie ( page 119 of The Sorcerer's Stone.)
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Anne writes:
Susan Bones is mentioned on page 89 of the UK version Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
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chikagrl345 writes:
actually, susan bones is mentioned in the books. she is mentioned durring the sorting of book one, and the bones family is mentioned in book 4 somewhere.
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coronado writes:
Actually, she is mentioned in the book. She is in Harry's year and her (grand?)parents were killed by Voldemort.
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niko writes:
In the first book, Susan Bones is mentioned in the Sorting Hat scene
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~*~ma_rie~*~ writes:
Actually, Susan Bones IS mentioned in book 1. She's mentioned briefly on page 119 (in the hardcopy of the American Edition).
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Laura writes:
You might want to re-read your copy of "Sorcerer's Stone," since Susan Bones is certainly mentioned. Page 119 of the hardcover volume: "Bones, Susan!" "HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah [Abbott]. It's worth mentioning that Eleanor Columbus, who plays her in the movie, also acted as her father's "conscience" and helped him make sure the film stayed true to the book.
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Nb2000 writes:
Actually she isn't the only American in the film. I read on the Internet Movie Database website (IMdB) that Verne Troyer plays the second goblin at Gringotts (at least he's inside the costume, it's a different voice.) And Zoe Wannamaker is actually as US citizen.
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elf writes:
Susan Bones is mentioned at least once in the books. She is mentioned in the paperback edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in chapter seven, The Sorting Hat, on page 119, line 15. Professor McGonnagal says, "Bones,Susan!" She is placed into Hufflepuff.
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twoplus3 writes:
This is not true. Susan Bones is mentioned in the books. For example, in The Sorcerer's Stone, she is mentioned in chapter 7 (Pg. 119 in the American Book or Pg. 89 in The Philosopher's Stone - English book), being sorted by the sorting hat. It has been speculated that she may play a more important roll in the future books. A girl named Eleanor Columbus did, however, play the part in the movie. Whether or not this is the director's daughter, I'm not sure.
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disneychick writes:
Just for your record, it actually is Bones.
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melkor writes:
also did anyone notice how susan bones is sorted into hufflepuff, but then she's in harry's potions class? it says in the book that gryffindors have potions with the slytherins, not the hufflepuffs.
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Laura writes:
"Alex ([email protected]) writes: Just for the record pal, it's Susan Bornes " Just for the record, pal, no it's not. It's Susan Bones.
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bekki writes:
she is in both books, i have both the US and UK versions. they changed the name because they didnt think any kid in the US would read something with Philosopher in the title. Sorcerers Stone sounded "cooler" to the kids.
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Jeanne writes:
okay...when they say Susan Bones's name, the hat can't decide where to put her. As the hat is deciding, Harry is looking around. His gaze comes upon Professer Snape. His scar burns. This is why they mentioned Susan Bones. For those few extra seconds to make it look as though Snape is the bad guy.
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Snyper writes:
Greetings all....I agree with coronado who input a message regarding Susan Bones. Although I haven't read all the first book yet (Yes, shame on me, but in all honesty, I prefer Frank Peretti's 'This Present Darkness' and 'Piercing The Darkness') the Bones name is mentioned by Hagrid I believe when talking about the people that 'You Know Who' had killed before he killed the Potters...one family name was Bones. Either Susan's parents, grandparents, or aunt/uncle. I haven't reached the sorting hat part yet. Any one for Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans? I have a handful of 'bogie' flavoured ones... .
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I think we kinda get it by now that Susan Bones is mentioned in the Sorting, book one, page 119... as it's been posted 574543573965435674356 times... And about Vern Troy... wasn't he also Mini-me in The Spy Who Shagged Me? I could sworn he was.
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breanna writes:
this so called "EASTER EGG" is not true. susan bones is sorted into hufflepuff in the first book. it seamns to me that SOMEONE needs to read the books more carefully. And i think that "Easter egg" should not be in this sight because it isnt a real egg. read the book over again (the sorting ceremony)
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Mike writes:
This is a reply to the comment that said that Susan may be in the other movies. I saw HP2 and Susan was seen at least 3 times
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First of all-Like everyone else said, Susan Bones is in the book. Secondly-to "Twoplus3," Eleanor Columbus is the director's (Chris Columbus) daughter. I have direct sources to prove this. Thirdly- The makers of the movies aren't directly following everything from the book. They said that they are making some scenes bigger so that there is more action (ie-The Chamber of Secrets: In the movie, they make the scene with the Arigon and all of the spiders more blown out so that there is more action in the movie)
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XxhPxX writes:
Also, I'd like to point out that in the first movie, Susan Bones is placed in Gryffindor. Later, during the Quidditch match, she is seen sitting near Hermione wearing a Gryffindor colored scarf. In the second movie, she is seen many times in the Gryffindor common room.
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Kara writes:
After feading to many things about this Yes I believe there are many more americans that where played as extras but because they didn't not speak you would not be cabable of telling. Verne Troyer, well I am not to sure about that I will have to watch the credits or the part and determine. She IS mentioned in the book (no details from me). And I believe because she is Chris' daughter that he may have just wanted to make her fell special and put her in the movie more than once. I am sure anyone with a father (no offense) would know that if he loves you (yet again no offense) he would want to make you fell good. Besides who cares most people aren't paying attention to that
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lb02 writes:
In the second movie, Susan is there too but she's wearing a Gryffindor tie! What's up with that?
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Alex writes:
Yes, that was a typo. I though I read someone type it "Bornes" and that's what I was thiking when I was typing that response. Sorry to confuse people lol
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Ivana writes:
Professor Lupin is going to be in the 5th book which is called The Order of Phoenix and I think that by now everyone here knows that Susan Bones is mentioned in the book.
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expelliarmus writes:
To Esqulax: It is actually referred to as "Philosopher's Stone" everywhere but the USA. The publishers felt that Americans wouldn't really get it, or something like that. J.K. Rowling finally agreed to the change, but has said that she regrets doing so (A&E Biography).
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Lissedae writes:
Well, it doesn't matter. She's not the only cast memeber who isn't british. The Quiddich mistress is American, and Oliver Wood is scottish. I'm sure there are more, those are just the only I've noticed because the extra's don't talk.
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This is to DAKAMUS- The gobblin that takes Harry and Hagrid to Harry's safe is not Verne Troyer. His name is Davis Warwick and he also play Prof. Flitwick. Davis Warick is in "Willow," you can look for yourself in the credits.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I though the woman who played McGonagall was from Sister Act... if she was, wasn't she american too? I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just saying what I thought was true. I'm most likely wrong anyways...
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jenben55124 writes:
Susan Bones IS in the books. In the American hard- back on page 119 it says " 'Bones, Susan' 'HUFFLEPUFF!' shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah." Besides, I think they put that in the movie to one give Harry time to look at Snape and have his scar hurt, and two so the director could have his daughter in it.
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aussiegirl74 writes:
Also, Susan Bones is mentioned in another one of the books. I can't remember, but her parents were killed by Voldemort.
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Michelle writes:
About the girl playing Susan Bones appearing in different houses when she was sorted into Huffle Puff: She WAS the director's daughter, and they needed extras. So, that is why she appears in more then one house.
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Snappy writes:
Ok, I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but in the fourth or fifth book (I think it's fifth, not exactly sure) someone is talking about the people who were killed by Voldemort and the mentioned the Bones's. Maybe Susan will play a greater part in the books to come?
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Kitty writes:
Yes, she is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Easy mistake to make, though. I, myself don't read the books word-for-word. However, it really isn't unusual. They could have just thrown her in, maybe even to lengthen the movie a little bit. As for her being in Harry's class, I don't know which class it was, but it could be that it's a shared class with another house, like how Slytherin and Gryffindor are both in Potions. On a side note, my mom was in another room, washing dishes and kind of listening to the movie. She heard Susan Bones's name and mentioned the similarity to her name (Susan Boles).
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Tinkerbell20 writes:
Not much to do with Susan Bones, but the book/ film names...my chemistry teacher said it was because a legend of something known as the philosopher's stone does actually exist, but it was always known as the sorcerer's stone in america, so JK changed the name in keeping with the legend. Am I totally wrong here?!
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Black Storm writes:
First of all, yes, Susan Bones is in the first Harry Potter book on page 119. Second, if you read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, she is on page 341, Chapter 16 (In the Hog's Head). She asks Harry if he can produce a coroporeal Patronus, and is known as realtive to Madam Bones of the Wizengamot. You really should wait until ALL the books are out before you criticize things.
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Alfie writes:
Susan Bones also appears in the 5th HP book. She speaks to Harry about his hearing: her aunty is Amelia Susan Bones, Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, who was present at the Hearing. (Could not remember page reference of Hannah and Harry's conversation.)
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Harry Potter writes:
Some people think that it was unfair of Chris to include his daughter in the movie and credits but i think it was a good choice. Maybe it was just me but Elanor is exactly how i pictured Susan Bones.
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Rex writes:
Susan Bones was a little girl that the author knew. She was about to die so the author let her read all the books in advance, but sadly she died before finishing them all. Out of sorrow, the author included her in all the books and movies. Hope this was helpful!
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Carol writes:
About the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs being together in classes where in the book they're not - in the movies they have all the classes together in every class. Thus affording opportunity to have all the major characters together whenever they want (including Tom Felton).
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I think maybe Susan Bones was in the books... I don't know why I think that. I read all the previous messages 10 times but I still don't know why...
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Nica writes:
To the person who wrote that the poster of the egg should read all the books, look at the date on the post. Order of the Phoenix wasn't even released at that time, it was released in 2003, so the original egg was partially accurate. Although Susan Bones IS mentioned in the books and is sorted into Hufflepuff in Harry's year, I don't recall her being mentioned in books two, three, or four, and the name Susan Bones only appears once in Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, so don't freak out just because they couldn't have read Order of the Phoenix yet. Also, Verne Troyer IS listed in the movie credits as Griphook the Goblin, who brings Harry and Hagrid to the vaults, it was NOT Warwick Davis. Warwick Davis played the Goblin bank teller ("Oh, and Dumbledore gave me this. It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which." "Very well.") and Professor Flitwick. And since Eleanor Columbus is listed in the credits and has been since the release of the movie, this isn't an egg at all.
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Wallamanage writes:
Susan Bones is DEFINITELY in book 5. She joins Dumbledore's Army. Someone specifically asks who she is.
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carruthers writes:
The bones are mentioned in the fifth book during a DA meeting. During the first meeting Susan asks Harry if he can really create a patronus and says that her aunt Amelia is on the Wizengamot.
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RB447 writes:
About the whole Sorcerer's Stone/Philosiphers Stone debate. When J.K. Rowling wrote the book, it was called the Philosiphers Stone. She called it that because of a legend about the Philosophers Stone that could change any metal to gold. Also, Nicholas Flamel was an actual real life alchemist. The goal of each Alchemist was to replicate the Philosiphers stone. The reason they changed the name of the book to the Sorcerers Stone was because they thought it would sound more appealing to kids.
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druakara writes:
RB447 -- "The reason they changed the name of the book to the Sorcerers Stone was because they thought it would sound more appealing to kids." Wrong, according to several interviews with J.K.R. the name was changed... well basically because we americans are stupid, and they thought the term "philosopher's stone" would confuse Americans... I.E. Witchcraft and Philosophy don't mix in American eyes. Rex - "Susan Bones was a little girl that the author knew. She was about to die so the author let her read all the books in advance, but sadly she died before finishing them all. Out of sorrow, the author included her in all the books and movies." again VERY wrong, check out the "Rumors" secion of J.K.R.'s website (http://www.jkrowling.com/) and you will see that only ONE character was based on someone she knew (who remains namless) but that character is Gilderoy Lockhart. If your going to post stuff about HP, please get your stuff straight! Both of these items are listed (quite plainly) on http://www.jkrowling.com/
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Leanne writes:
Actually Lissedae, if you are Scottish YOU ARE British as Scotland is a part of Great Britain!
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