Sim Copter Easter Egg - Fly an Apache Helicopter

1. Type CTRL-F3 (a cheat code box should appear)
2. Type "I am the CEO of McDonnell-Douglas"
3. Enter hanger.
4. Click on Helicopter Purchase notebook.
5. Go back outside.
6. Fly your new Apache. It even has guns and missles.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 140 votes
Contributed By: Joe Peacock on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Coku Tau 1 writes:
You can shoot down the UFO with it. I use it to kill rioters, too. You don't even get points deducted for doing it.
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baconboy1 writes:
I can't shoot down the UFO! It has a pink bubble 'round it like a force field!
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David Brooks writes:
The UFO has shields! Keep blasting it with missles till it goes down (about 10 shots I think)
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Bob writes:
That cheat didn't work for me, but I did find it just laying on a little island, I just walked into it and I had two copters available, AT THE SAME TIME!
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Antpile writes:
Ok everyone you seem not to get this, about the apache. There is an apache in most every level. It is not a cheat at all and you do not need to type in that cheat. You can own up to 10 copters at once. By hitting Ctrl and X you bring up a box, the official cheat box. You then type in the CEO code that was mentioned (Case-Sensitive!) and go to the screen for buying copters, type the numbers 123456789 and you will get every copter for free!! Sell the first copter, it's a piece of junk your tear gas, etc. Now do the code again, type in the 123456789 and you will have every copter and all the extras!! The Apache is found in what is called the F-15 I believe...It's found in airports and military bases. Anymore questions about this just ask me! Always glad to help!
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Antpile writes:
Sorry!! On another note, it's ctrl + alt + X not ctrl + X!! Carry on!
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ssj2 gohon writes:
I think i got in the apache (using the code), but i can't figure out how to shoot the guns/missiles.
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cg44 writes:
FYI the helicopter is actually called an apache, that is the name of the helicopter. It's manufactured by McDonnell Douglas along with some other choppers in the game. (P.S. the F-15 is a fighter jet)
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Hello writes:
Press water cannon button for machine gun and tear gas button for missiles
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This cheat won't work for me. Do you have any suggestions why?
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I've never seen a UFO on this game. Please tell me where it is.
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