40 oz. To Freedom (Sublime) Easter Egg - Additional Tracks

This may or may not work with the major label re-issue of " 40 oz To Freedom". I have the original, so it works on my CD. Go to last track ("Krs-One"), ffwd to the end. Keep fastforwarding for a few, and you'll find "Rivers of Babylon" ( hidden track one). Fastfroward a bit longer, and you'll find "Thanx" (hidden track two).

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 48 votes
Contributed By: Nash Rambler on 06-24-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Copy of CD, and a CD player.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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fats writes:
Fast forward how much? Please be more specific!
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Dani writes:
i am a long time fan of sublime and i know for a fact that they arent very hidden tracks for the simple fact that when i let my cd play they still come on... thats not very hidden
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Guess Who writes:
alot of albums have tracks at the end of the last song, but those songs arent shown on the CD playlist, so they are still hidden, "dani".
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