Kilroy Was Here (Styx) Easter Egg - Annuit Coeptis

The band recorded this egg as a tongue-in-cheek reply to those who accused them of putting subliminal backward messages on their "Paradise Theater" album. At the beginning of the track "Heavy Metal Poisoning," before the music begins, there are a few seconds of backwards speech. When this is reversed, a voice says, "Annuit Coeptis. Novus ordo seclorum." This is the Latin saying which encircles the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill. The rough translation is: "God has favored our undertakings. A new order of the ages."

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  7.0/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-18-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of "Kilroy Was Here"
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Bob Schroeck writes:
There's also some fairly obvious backwards speech in the middle of "Heavy Metal Poisoning" on the same album. Does anyone have any info on that?
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WrAiTh writes:
The saying in the middle said backwards is, "Sterces eht sdloh natas". This said forwards is, "Satan holds the secrets". I got this from this website:
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