Ocean's Eleven Easter Egg - Costume Director Cameo

In the scene near the early-middle of the movie when they are fitting Saul for his "Limon" suit, one of the men who are pretending to fit him is the actual costume director in the movie. He is only in the first few seconds of the scene, so you have to watch closely. He is the man with the long, black ponytail.

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  4.0/10 with 78 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-06-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Ocean's Eleven movie
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SciFi_fan writes:
Good eeg, but it was mentioned in the DVD. I also like the fact that several people running towards the fight when Julia and Andy are leaving, are directors, producers and other crew. It's hard to find real eggs for this movie, since not many are mentioned.
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anonymous writes:
On the DVD version of the movie, they say it in one of the two commentaries... I can't remember which one though.
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They say this little "fact" in the commentary with Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Andy Garcia. Hehe I was listening to it last night.
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J. Emmanuel writes:
They forgot to PRESS Ctrl-F ... As you can see in the scene after the SWATS are getting out of the casino (When you can see Brad Pitts face walking to the front door and Andy Garcia tells to the Casino's manager to call AGAIN to the Emergency number), one of the 11's guy, "the hacker" wich is monitoring all the operation, he is suppost to run a computer program to intrude the PBX connections (Phone and Data lines), you can see in that monitor, that is just a Macromedia FLASH Movie Animation (watch the title bar outside the "PBX Program") they FORGOT to RUN THIS MOVIE in full screen !!!. I'm very dissapointed with this :(.
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hel22 writes:
At the start of the film brad pitt has a tribal tattoo on the back of his hand, i think it is his right. But later on in the movie it has dissappeared
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Randi writes:
In the scene where Matt Damon and Brad Pitt are waiting for Julia Roberts to walk down from the museum, Pitt is eating something off a plate, but after the camera cuts back to Pitt he is holding a shrimp cocktail in a cocktail glass. It's probably in the liner notes, or something from the original movie, but I thought it was funny.
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clyr28 writes:
Has anyone else wondered how they got all those brochures for strippers down the the vault to put in the bags the guards carry out? Danny and Linus doesn't take anything down with them, and there is not enough room in the thing that the grease man is in...where did they all come from?
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