Empty (Tait) Easter Egg - The *Very* Well Hidden Bonusbonusbonus Track

My friend found this by accident majorly cool.

1. Start at track number 1 (Alibi)
2. REVERSE cue backwards (yes you read that right. Reverse. And don't just backtrack - reverse cue. This allows you to reverse a little bit at a time and is usually done by holding down the backtrack button)
3. Keep reversing for until about -6:00 (yes, that's a negative) and when you can't hear anything. Be careful - go too far and you'll have to start over.
4. Listen and enjoy!

Note: This hidden track CANNOT be reached by simply playing through the disc or Fast-forwarding after the last track. You MUST reverse cue.

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-26-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Cd and CD player (Some CD players (esp. computer) may not work)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ubh writes:
Boring ! been done before ! check out.... David Gray - White Ladder - original version David Holmes - Bow Down To The Exit Sign 2Many DJs etc.......
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