Goonies, The Easter Egg - Reuniting

In the end of the movie, all the Goonies meet up with their families after having gone on a wild adventure in search of treasure. This scene a neat way to see the actors' actual families! Each actor "reunites" with his real parents and sometimes even siblings (except for Josh Brolin and Sean Astin, who had actors portraying their mother and father). For example, the people that "Chunk" (Jeff Cohen) hugs and receives a pizza from are in fact his real mother, father, and sister. :)

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 132 votes
Contributed By: Ella on 05-15-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the Movie =D
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Adam Taylor writes:
Actually, that wasn't Jeff Cohen's mother. She died before The Goonies was ever made. It was his father and sister, though.
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