Spaced: The Second Series Easter Egg - Daisy's Travel Video

Go to SPECIAL FEATURES, TRAILERS, and select the last one. Then "Skip to the end" i.e. press your NEXT TRACK button. You will see Daisy's 'Travelling around Asia' video. Once activated, it can be accessed by the button which appears in the second page of Daisy's Biography, in the BIOGRAPHY section. The first time you find it, watch it to the end, and it will show you the new button, and make the "oooh" from ep. 2.6, in the restaurant. Clever boys.

User Rating:
  9.4/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: SnickTKEP on 05-14-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Spaced: The Second Series DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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smegpants writes:
The 'ooooh' sound effect comes from Episode 2.1, and is made by Tim and Mike when Daisy and Marsha are talking about holiday romances.
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StANTo writes:
Actually, it's just an option on the biography. I don't have the ability to 'skip to the end' on the trailers. So I don't really see this as an egg.
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I would like to point out that i could not access this egg while using PowerDVD 3.0, however once i upgraded to 4.0 there was no problem. Though this is less an egg and more a bonus for people who actually go to the trouble of reading the biographies.
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