Spiderman Easter Egg - Close, Personal Friends of Sam

Sam Raimi, the director of "Spider-Man", is well-known for casting his friends and family in bit parts of his films. S-M is no exception. Here are all of the cameos that I know of (besides Stan Lee, who was already mentioned):

1. Bruce Campbell (who played Ash in the "Evil Dead" films, as well as Brisco County, Jr. and others) appears as the announcer during the wrestling match.

2. Ted Raimi (Sam's younger brother, who played Henrietta in "Evil Dead 2") shows up a couple of times as Hoffman, a staff member at the Daily Bugle.

3. Lucy Lawless (who played Xena: Warrior Princess on TV) pops up as a punk rocker--she says something to the effect of, "Eight arms? Sounds exciting."

4. "The Classic" (Sam's yellow 1973 Delta 88 Oldsmobile Classic, or at least one of its six body doubles) rolls up as Uncle Ben's carjacked automobile. Fittingly enough, it is later crashed into a pole.

5. Sam Raimi himself flashes onto the screen sipping some coffee and talking into a cell phone as Spider-Man flies past him.

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 110 votes
Contributed By: Michael Allen on 05-08-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A little background info, a quick pair of eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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duffman writes:
I beleive the best cameo is Bruce Campbells because he is the best "B" movie actor and there are lots of other Cameo's in the movie and it was a really good moive. Oh yeah HAIL TO THE KING BABY.
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Snowflake writes:
She says, "A guy with eight legs? Sounds hot."
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Actually, I think it's "Guy with eight HANDS? Sounds hot." I apologize if I'm wrong, and I'm sorry for the slipup in the first place. Anyway...
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I t i s " A g u y w i t h e i g h t H A N D S " . I h e a r d i t .
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badash writes:
That same car appears in Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness.And how could you not mention Bruce Campbell was the king of thieves in Xena?
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Snowflake writes:
Oh, sorry. I just saw it again and it IS eight hands. Sorry.
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derek croft writes:
Another Spider-egg,In the video game Spider-man, Bruce does the voice over of Spider Man's trainer through out the game. Spider-man today, Evil Dead 4 tomarro.(Praying)
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Delilah writes:
JK Simmons (Schillinger in Oz, and the voice of the yellow M&M) appears as J Jonah Jameson, Peter's boss. JK also appeared in Sam Raimi's 'the Gift'.
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