Ultimate Fights Easter Egg - Two Hidden Movies

I found both hidden easter eggs on the new Ultimate Fights DVD. Here they are:

#1: The Pro-Wrestling Women movie: It's pretty obvious to wrestling fans, but for those who aren't... look in "Fighter Profiles" in the "Special Features" menu. Locate Rowdy Roddy Piper's bio and on the first page, not the one with his filmography, go to the "Back" button and press up.

#2: Is a bit trickier: Go to Scene Selections and scroll down to "10. The Players Club" then press to the left and the second movie "Atlas" lights up.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Sentroid91 on 04-30-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Any type of DVD player
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Also in the menu that they reccommend is a music video for Puddle Of Mudd's song "control" a.k.a. the Ass Smacking song *L*
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