Thirteen Ghosts Easter Egg - Scenes from House on Haunted Hill

First, go to the "special features" menu. When it comes up, Go to "Ghost profiles". After Cyrus is done talking to you, select the object that is a jaw bone. Cyrus will start telling you about the Jackal, and in it you will see several scenes from House on Haunted Hill! One is a light swinging that is covered in cobwebs and another one I found is from the very beginning of House on Haunted Hill. It is when it shows the male secretary carrying in 3 pencils and moving them in his hand. It is mirrored, and in black and white, but it's still the scene. It shows up when they talk about the Jackal finally going completely insane and the insane asylum pulling his straight jacket tighter when he acted up. These scenes were put in there because Thirteen Ghosts comes from the same producers of House on Haunted Hill, and since the story on the Jackal and House on Haunted Hill are set in the same place, they thought it would be interesting to put in the scenes.

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 84 votes
Contributed By: Kris on 04-24-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Thirteen Ghosts DVD and eyes
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Kris writes:
Well, the story on the Jackal and the movie House on Haunted Hill aren't set in EXACTLY the same place, but they are both set in insane asylums... my bad!
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