Fight Club Easter Egg - Film Reel

During the movie, Ed Norton's character talks about Tyler's jobs. One of Tyler's jobs is a film projectionist. Ed says that Tyler likes to put
small snippets from pornos in kiddie movies.

Ok, now that you have the setup, here goes: The final scene starts to fade out. Now look fast, cause right before the credits is a snippet of a nude man.

Also, during the same scene (where they're in the projection booth talking about it) Tyler says you can see where they cut the movie by looking at the right corner of the screen for a black oval. Throughout the movie the oval can be seen.

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  4.2/10 with 373 votes
Contributed By: Victorious Raven on 10-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Ability To Pause the movie at a certain moment.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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jake1698h writes:
It is not a nake lady it is a nake man. It is the frame of the nake man that he was splicing in the projection booth.
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Chuck writes:
You're right except for one crucial fact...It's not a woman, it's a man.
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mattsuozz writes:
ok, if you've ever gone to a movie theatre, the little black ovals are in all films these days, so it's not just something special to this one. Unless you're watching a movie that is all on one reel, which most movies these days aren't, they're usually 6 or 7, you'll see the black oval in every movie that you watch.
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PJ Largo writes:
It's Tyler Durden. Not Tyler Banks, or Tyler Durgen.
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Turandot writes:
It's true that there are black ovals at the end of every reel of every movie, and so it's not a big deal that they can be seen in this one, but there is one near the middle (must be the end of the 4th reel) which Brad Pitt actually points at. It's not really an Easter egg, but it's quite handy if you're the operator, because if there's two projectors in your cabin (sometimes there's just a big one with the whole film on it), it tells you exactly when to start the second projector. Nice touch, 'cuz sometimes, the ovals are not plain to see (especially if the scene is dark). Not to mention that if some blind guys in the audience always miss the spots, they get a hand with this one. PS. Actually, there are TWO spots at the end of each reel. The first one tells you to set the film reeling and the second tells you to push the button that switches between the two projectors. End of lesson, folks. Dismiss.
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Ollie writes:
I believe there are four subliminal flashes of Tyler; the first is in Ed Norton's office, when he's talking about everything being a copy of a copy of a copy. Then there's the one behind the doctor in the corridor at the hospital (on the word "pain" I think). Then he appears in the testicular cancer support group, with his arm around the shoulder of the group leader. Then on the street, when Ed Norton is watching Marla walking off. There are loads of eggs in this film, the DVD commentary mentions many of them.
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AtomicSquid writes:
Tyler flashing on the screen in the beginning represents him slowly taking over part of edward norton's character's life.
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Ten Below writes:
OK from my memory it happens twice in the film. Once just after Tyler mentions and then once at the end. Victorious Raven didn't you ever do Biology at school??? As it's a BLOKES tool not a woman. Also if you watch fairly old films you can see the "cigeratte burns" and there is in fact a 5 second gap between the first and the second.
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tyler durden writes:
this happens at least 8 times in the movie the first one is in the first scene at remaining men together the next is @ the doctors as the doc walks away i don't rememeber the other ones but they're there so look
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Aristide writes:
For the last time, it's Tyler Durden, and there are only 8 quick flashes of him.
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The cigarette burns are obvious, and, as stated before, are part of every movie, even movies that are on one reel (movies on one reel end up on two or three sometime); the flashing of Tyler is obvious (and represents "Jack"'s impending descent into madness); the "nice, big c*ck" is also blindingly obvious, as for a few milliseconds before and after the flash the film blurs and re-situates (and it is a big p*nis, hard to miss). There's also (I don't believe this has been mentioned anywhere): the fact that when "Jack" "fights" (lotsa quotations) with his boss, it freezes, and Norton narrates that "for some reason" he's reminded of his and Tyler's first fight; that when Jack's on the moving walkway in the airport, saying how if you wake up in a different place, at a different time (something similar to that, anyway), "could you wake up as a different person?", and the camera pans to Tyler, who happens to be passing on the walkway; and the fact that "Bob had b**ch-t*ts."... no relevance, really, but, like shaved monkeys, it's damned funny.
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dane writes:
In the film, Edward Nortan's character doesn't actually have a name. In the films credits it's written as narrator. The name Jack as it's written on the cover blurb is because he says, "I am Jacks medula oblongata" when he reads the book in the house.
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Sean writes:
Actually nowadays, most movies come on one big reel, but in some real old theaters someone has to change the projectors, the first "burn" you see is a 2-minute warning so you can get the projector up to speed, the 2nd one is the 5-second warning. This is all explained in the book
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Sid. writes:
At the very end of the movie, when the buildings are blowing up, the screen starts to distort. If you go through this in slow motion, the splice of the guy's dick shows up. Thought it was pretty cool that they did it after they told you and showed you how Tyler did it.
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ROAST BEEF writes:
actually there are 5 subliminal tylers. the first is when "jack" is making copies and tyler shows up. the next is in Remaining Men Together. The next is in the doctor's office. the next is when "jack" looks up the alleyway at Marla. and the final one is hard to catch, but in the hotel video saying "Welcome!" look on the far right, and its tyler. as david fincher says in the audio commentary, tyler always looks impatient, like he is waiting for "jack" to create him. the subliminal p*nis is not a woman's torso but it is the same p*nis that tyler splices in to the children's movie. a funny story about that p*nis is that david fincher had to find one with black pubic hair so that people would not think that it was brad's. actually that wasnt that funny. also, they were not allowed to show a hard-on. oh yeah - the reason "jack" is in quotes is because i don't know his name, and since david fincher and edward norton call him jack in the commentary, i might as well. and to that guy who said the 4th rule of fight club is buy it on DVD- the 4th rule of fight club is only 2 guys to a fight. and that other guy is right, it does represent tyler becoming a part of his life.
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Psyche writes:
Ok, the Tyler flashes are a separate egg, so leave comments on that there. In regards to the mention that subliminal messages might be illegal, subliminal messages have never been proven to work (doesn't make that scene in the movie theatre any less funny, though), and by definition if we caught it, it wasn't subliminal. Subliminal is very few frames of film, usually one or two, and that flashes by way to fast to be caught by the human eye.
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bonjo writes:
I just thought I'd weigh in on the cigarette burns question, and a little clarification on subliminal messages. All movies are shipped on 5 - 7 reels of film, and you'll see those little dots on just about every theatrically released film. Chuck, the novelist, actually had it wrong about the films all coming on one reel. At best, they'll come on two, and that's only when they're being shipped from one theater to another. And those reels are BIG! We're talkin' close to a yard in diameter. A whole film is absolutely huge (appx. 5' diam.), and not something you'd want to find room in a truck for! As for the subliminal legality bit, those interested can visit and do a search. The "illegal" part of "subliminal" adds dates back to when a guy projected messages like "Buy Coke" and "Buy Popcorn" during a film, with rather dubious scientific results. However! Those messages weren't spliced into the film itself, but were projected separately by another device which splashed the words onto the screen at something like 1/300th of a second! People were afraid, despite the questionable nature of the results and passed a law. However, this law only applies to advertising, and not to works of art. So, nobody raised an eyebrow when Hitchcock spliced two frames of blood red into one of his black and white films, or when Ken Russell went absolutely bonkers with single-frame cuts in MOST of his movies, esp. Altered States and The Devils.
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Ollie G writes:
the black oval, flashes up in any cinema movie, it signals the guy runNing the film that he needs to change the film to the next reel - ITS MENTIONED IN THE MOVIE!
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One frame is hardly subliminal. Anyone watching it will pick up the image.
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teria writes:
Regardless of the actual, real-life system of cigarette burns, the egg was pointing out that they deliberately added one into the scene (on VHS and DVD) when the characters are talking about Tyler's job.
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Jayce writes:
I'm not sure about this, since I haven't seen the movie in a very long time, but I think I remember seeing a couple textual subliminal messages in the movie also. I could be wrong about this, but I would have sworn I did.
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doughnut writes:
Hey, you know them cigarette burns, are they still on the tape when you buy a VHS or DVD copy of a film? You're right though, they are on all films, but I never noticed any before seeing fight club.
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Saulecker writes:
I used to work in a movie theater and I had to put the movies together every week when they came in... the "cigarette burns", which is not something we ever called them, mark the reel change. all movies have these. Movies... ALL MOVIES... are shipped in multiple reels. a normal movie is usually 6 reels, sometimes less, sometimes more. no movie is shipped as one reel, as people are implying here. That would be HUGE! way back in the day they may have used more than one projector, but not in a long time, unless they are totally ghetto and cheap. there are two black dots at a reel change, one at the end of the reel and one at the beginning. once you notice them on movies you will not be able to not see them.
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White Guy writes:
Matsuozz actually if you watch the dvd with the commentary on they say that those ovals are actually redundant now and don't actually exist in modern cinema. So there.
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Snakeyez618 writes:
Tyler Banks is not on Fresh Prince. That's Tyra Banks. Yeesh.
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Blitza writes:
Please People..His Edward Norton's characters name is NOT Jack! He is referred to as Narrator and he does not have a name! They only reason he says something like "This is jacks.." because he making fun of when he and Tyler were in the house and he found the magazine saying things like "this is Jacks Modula Oblangata" or "this is jacks Colon"
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Kikki writes:
The pornographic flash at the end was not a women. It was a man's utility section. If you pause it just at the right moment you will see. And as for the flashes throughout the movie. That is Tyler Durdan played by Brad Pitt. It is the movie's way of bringing him into the story.
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aboatman writes:
Wondering if the shaved monkeys comments elude to 12 Monkeys in which Pitt also starred.
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Gedrik_Lords writes:
I don't think anybody here ever noticed Edward Norton's character's name is BOLDLY stated by Martha. His name is Tyler Durden! Just because he never says it until late in the movie doesn't change the fact.
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ktbfeb15 writes:
Actually, way back when with the whole "buy coke" "eat popcorn" thing, they didn't actually put the messages in the films. It was a gimmick to get people to watch the films and buy the coke and popcorn, it was a scam to get boost sales. The messages were never actually shown, only talked about.
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ktbfeb15 writes:
In order to be subliminal, the image would have to be below the absolute threshold or recognition. That means, if there was an image flashed on the screen and a person perceived it (noticed it) 50% of the time, that is the absolute threshold. so if the image was so that the person did NOT perceive it, that is below the absolute threshold, and therefor IS subliminal. K, thanks.
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Marla Singer writes:
It wasn't a naked woman, it was in-fact just a picture of a p*nis, the one he was splicing into the movie soon after he was introduced.
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Okay, guys. A couple of things. If you read the book (you know, those paper things with words on them), you'd find that that they refer to the narrator as Jack about a million times. Also, though only briefly mentioned in the movie, the members of Project Mayhem are constantly referred to as "space monkeys".
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Morgs_ICEman writes:
The Narrator does not have a name. He is the faceless, nameless drone worker of American society. Chuck Phalanuk (sp?), the author of the book said it himself - The only reason "Jack" was used was for the movie, so they had a name for the script. In the book he even shows Marla his drivers' liscence to prove he's NOT Tyler Durden, and it still doesn't say who he IS.
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Ol_Dirty writes:
It is obviously a "nice big c*ck" just before the credits, however a nude woman is shown on a single frame of film that is lying on the table when tyler is splicing said "nice big c*ck" into the children's movie.
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Lita-2x writes:
it's a guy!
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jon burton writes:
I wonder if the "cigarette burns" are used in the movie to symbolize when the narrator switches between his two personalities, himself and Tyler. If you know, e-mail me.
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pokey writes:
ok, as it was told, the flash was a naked man's lower torso and second, next time you go to the theaters, look at the top of the screen, the circles are still used in every theater movie. They still use reels, and still use the rings.
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Adam writes:
Edward Norton's characters name is Jack! No it's never said in the movie or the book but if you watch the commentary of the movie with norton and pitt norton says that people have found out the name of his character...JACK! So Norton the actor playing Jack says that his name is Jack. His name is Jack. And he knows this because tyler knows this.
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sj writes:
hey, aboatman, it's allude, not elude.
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HairyOtter writes:
Listen folks, 1. There aren't any subliminal messages in the film. And if there were, you wouldn't know about them because THAT'S WHAT SUBLIMINAL MEANS!!! 2. In the book, the narrator does not die. HE ENDS UP IN HOSPITAL!!! Can't you Americans read? 3. The narrator (played by Edward Norton) has no name. This is no big deal guys. I find it funny that people seem to be obsessed with finding an 'identity' for the narrator. The movie has been lost on you. 4. The idea of 'fight clubs' is not new and actually pre-dates the book as well as the film. Fight clubs are everywhere. Oh and by the way, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's Dad.
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I'm not sure where I heard this but, isn't the p*nis at the end that of director David Fincher?
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persecutor writes:
I don't know if anyone noticed but after watching the movie for the nth time, I realised that Tyler Durden is a fan of BRUCE LEE! Check! When the narator is on the phone with Marla Singer in the beginning you can see Tyler playing with a nunchaku in the background. Second, when Tyler and Jack fight in the parking lot you can see Tyler do a lot of Bruce Lee immitation, namely the combat posture, the touching of the nose with the thumb, and the scene where he blows away the hair he just pulled out from Jack's head from his palm, kinda like in 'Way Of The Dragon' where Bruce does the same with Chuck Norris' chest pilosity.
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amy writes:
There is also a brad pitt flash about seven or eight minutes in when "jack"/tyler goes to the first support group. after the guy shares his story and the group leader is standing behind him massaging his shoulders, brad pitt flashes. What is with the cigarette burns that everyone keeps talking about?
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Steve Branson, maybe you need to read it again. The Narrator's name is NEVER mentioned in it, and this is an important aspect of the book. It gives him a sort of "everyman" quality, this is included in almost every analysis of the book you'll find ANYWHERE. Don't go calling people idiots if you can't remember a simple thing like that. Also, it's interesting to note that in the book, they are "Joe's "organs and not "Jack's".
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