Doctor Who - The Tomb of The Cybermen Easter Egg - VidFIRE Sequence

From the top of the main menu, press the up direction button to highlight the 'Doctor Who' logo. Now press the right direction button so that a Cyberman head symbol appears. Then press the left direction button so that the Doctor's head is circled in green. You can now access a sequence of the story which had been processed using new (at the time) VidFIRE software to make it look more like the original video than the film recording it was taken from

User Rating:
  8.1/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: doctorwho on 01-18-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD of "The Tomb of the Cybermen", DVD player
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doctorwho writes:
Oops! I've since discovered this is a piece of the story put through the "VidFire" process, not an existing piece of video! Sorry.
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Progrocktv writes:
Actually this was an early sample of the new 'VidFIRE' videoising process developed by Peter Finklestone, which takes a Kinescope of something originally shot on video and restores the original 'video-look' to Kinescoped (transferring video to film) material. The original video consists of fifty interlaced pictures every second, giving the picture a fluid, 'live' feel. However, once recorded onto film, the vision consists of only twenty-five pictures per second, giving a jerkier film-look. Peter's process uses off-the-shelf video processing software to interpolate the missing twenty-five pictures per second and re-interlace them to give a true video-look once again. A later version of this process was used in the PLANET OF GIANTS VHS release.
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