Memento Easter Egg - The Beginning of the End

This is to access the special hidden version of the film mentioned on the box. I do not know if it'll work on any other regions DVD's as I do not know if it is hidden on them or not.

Access the special features section of the DVD. Wait for the 'Memento Mori' picture to move and the pic of Leonard with a pic in his mouth to take up most of the screen (best wait for the words 'Memento Mori' to be barely visible at the edge of the screen). Press enter/play. A screen will come up telling you you have found the hidden version of the film. Click on 'Play'.

And then watch the film in chronological order including the end credits rolling backwards at the beginning and the opening segment running forwards.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 517 votes
Contributed By: williamthebloody on 01-15-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Memento Region 2 DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ali B writes:
Thanks william... I spent ages trying to find it before I thought of looking here! ...and it's DEFINITELY worth it... good fun.
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KramRM writes:
I have the Region 1 version and have not been able to find this feature as described. If somebody finds this in the Region 1 disc, please post it here.
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FoxyRach writes:
I must have the Region 1 DVD also, because I cannot access the feature either. :(
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This egg is very definitely not on the region 1 disc. I remember reading all about it when the disc came out. There's a special edition on the way, though - not sure if the alternate version will be on it.
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jackypop writes:
William, I've tried this a million times, and I can't find the EXACT moment when I have to push "play." Do you have a screenshot of the exact second I have to push enter, or do you know exactly how many seconds I have to wait? Thanks
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If you wait for 15 seconds after the photo's start spinning (your counter should count this for you) then press play you will find it. Hope this helps.
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Mikeyboy writes:
All you lot having trouble should try pressing "Enter" or "OK" rather than play, because that's what I did (On the region two disc), and it works.
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Joelguy writes:
Sorry, but I'm new to this -- what exactly does it mean to have a "region 1" disc as opposed to a non-"region 1" disc? I bought my copy of "Memento" from amazon and I think they distribute the region 1 version. If that's the case, and I can't get to this egg from my disc, I'm going to be really bummed. How does someone find a non-region 1 "Memento" version? I'm dying to buy one...
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Edsel writes:
If you have the inferior Canadian DVD version, the only saving grace with that disc is that the Chronological-order version is a regular feature. Other than that... Nuthin'. No trailer, no bios, nuthin'.
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eggatron writes:
This worked perfect for me. Wait until the words 'Memento Mori' are just off the screen, like it says, and press enter. You'll then be presented with a screen telling you that "You have found the specially re-edited version of memento in chronological order. Press 'play' to continue". But this was the region two disc also.
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abarthman writes:
You don't need to be too precise. As soon as the picture with "Memento Mori" written underneath starts spinning, just press the enter button (not play) on your remote. I tried this as soon as the picture appeared and also just as it was leaving the screen with the same results.
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Ed Smith writes:
DVDs can only play in the region they are released: Region 1 - The U.S., U.S. territories and Canada Region 2 - Europe, Japan, the Middle East, Egypt, South Africa, Greenland Region 3 - Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong Region 4 - Mexico, South America, Central America, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Caribbean Region 5 - Russia (okay, former Russia), Eastern Europe, India, most of Africa, North Korea, Mongolia Region 6 - China
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andi writes:
All the discussion on the exact moment to push play is all well and good, but I have a slightly different problem. I can't even get to the short story. Can anyone give me a clue as to what I'm doing wrong? Is it possible I don't have it on my disc??
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i couldn't find the exact moment eaither but here's a easier way. Play the movie regular and just use your magic remote to program the scenes to play from the "end" to the begginig of the movie.
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paranoia writes:
is this egg on the poriginal dvd release or on the new collectors disc with the cool packaging??
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jebb writes:
ok i must have a weird version of the region 2 disc, i didnt have to wait for any of the memento mori things or anything like that, i just put the disc in went right down to the bottom of the screen and pressed enter
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I bought the 3 disc, white sliding box one, and on the back it says it has the special feature, "The beginning of the end" on it, but none of you have mentioned more than one disc, so have I got a different one than you lot and should look somewhere else? Its really annoying me, as it's the reason i bought it and the guy in the shop said it was on there. :/ should I be looking somewhere else? Cheers to anyone who helps me out. Feel free to email me about it.
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Sorry to be annoying, as I just asked a question, but i have found the answer and so wanted to save people from helping me and try to help others. I have the White boxed, R2 3 disc UK Special Edition version and neither of the aforementioned ways of finding "The Beginning of the End" are possible on my version. On this UK S.Ed version, you put in the second disc, go down to "biographies" and then press the right direction button, the line should go to the bottom and then you press enter or play. Hope this is helpful! :D
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Dj_FlyBy writes:
SHORT VERSION FOR REGION 1 When The Pictures start to appear PUSH the " NEXT " button to skip to the next section. Once you do that you will then come to the menu. PUSH the " NEXT " button again and wait up to 10 seconds. The Movie Will Start, If it does not then you failed to do this properly, which is VERY RARE! Hope you all enjoy this as I became a member on EEGGS.COM just to tell you all this!!!
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zygote writes:
If you live in the United States can you view this easter egg? I thought I had read that you cannot watch a region 2 DVD if you are located in region 1.
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