Princess Diaries, The Easter Egg - Dancing Director

At the very end of the movie, after Mia says she will become Princess and after her and Michael share a kiss in the garden, there is a scene where everyone is dancing. Some of these people are crew members and if you blink, you'll miss the director, Garry Marshall, passing right in front the camera.

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 77 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-12-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of the Princess Diaries
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DiBbLe writes:
If you listen to the commentaries on the DVD, they tell you this Egg along with many others including that Gary Marshall's,kids, grandkids, and other relatives and friend are in the movie.
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PyroFlick writes:
I believe the woman who parades in front of the camera just after him is his wife, if I recall correctly. Learned this listening to the director's commentary on the DVD.
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gutterflower writes:
Gary Marshall was also supposed to play a pizza man in the film, but that scene got cut. It was pretty funny, too. "This ain't no five-star place, you're lucky it's hot."
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DellowMan writes:
Hey Egg Hunters. If you have a 'Display' feature for your DVD player and can view the time ticker for the movie this egg can be viewed at approximately... 1 Hour, 49 Minutes, and 14 seconds. Hope this helps. Happy hunting!
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