Riven Easter Egg - Hidden Movies

1. Have Riven (duh)
2. It's generally a good idea to have finished Riven.
3. Get one of the "Riven Movie Snoops" from off the 'net (they're out for Windows and Mac)
4. Insert the 5th disc.
5. Load up the Riven snoop, and select the first movie on the 5th CD.
6. Bet you didn't know what a good singer Gehn is!

User Rating:
  7.6/10 with 22 votes
Contributed By: Brendan O'Kane on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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@ssKicker writes:
Do you know what he's singing? It's the first verse of "O Sole Mio".
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TrueBlue writes:
What exactly is "O Solo Mio?"
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RLF writes:
It's actually "O Sole (SO-lay) Mio". It's an old Italian love song that means "Oh my sun", or "Oh my sunshine".
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Elspeth writes:
"O Sole Mia" -- so basically, he's singing "You Are My Sunshine"? (ducking)
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Elspeth writes:
By the way, it IS possible to access this scene (and some other entertaining goodies) from within the game. I would never have figured it out for myself and I am amazed that someone actually did. You can go on a serious easter-egg hunt to try to figure it out (hints: it has to do with several places in the game where the cursor disappears, the first of which is on an actual egg) or you can go to http://home.student.utwente.nl/r.m.spruijt/pyxis/pyxis.htm and have it all spelled out for you. Enjoy!
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