Riven Easter Egg - Silly Putty Movie

1. Run Riven movie snoop program
2. Insert CD disc #4
3. Open g_Data.MHK Mohawk archive file
4. Select movie #138, 266gptty.
5. Enjoy

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Lee Lanthier on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Twillkickers writes:
Uh, sorry but how do you run "The Riven Movie Snoop Program".
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RLF writes:
Twillkickers,you don't have to have that Riven Snoop thingy to see that egg(plus,it's only for MacOS systems).You can just "unlock" this egg(and four other really cool eggs,wich includes another movie).Go to www.interiority.com/riven/the_menu.htm P.S.To be honest with you,there's actually six eggs in total that you can unlock.It's just that one of them is very very mild.....fun to do.....but mild.
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@ssKicker writes:
You can access this movie in another way: Activate the easter eggs by clicking on the six places in the game(I've listed them in a comment on the Riven egg entitled "Lights On". I can't be bothered typing them all out again). Then, travel to Spike Island (maglev from Jungle Island is easiest) and go to the place where there are two levers which activate little cameras (so you can spy on Catherine), sit in the seat, press the red button, then throw the left lever. Look down at it, and you'll see a little brown bolt sticking out on the right. Click it.
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@ssKicker writes:
This little movie is actually a mixture of two old adverts. The first is the Hai Karate commercial, and the second is the Silly Putty advert.
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@ssKicker writes:
I have found and tried all six eggs, and I tried to send in the other one (near the mine cart), but it didn't appear on the site. Probably because it was just too crappy. The only thing it does is save you changing disks.
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