Riven Easter Egg - Robyn Miller's Kids

1. (I didn't personally find this, but it wasn't listed here so I am entering it for the sake of completeness.)
2. Step outside the cage where you start the game.
3. Turn left, and look up.
4. One face is just to the left of lower center, hidden in the rocks, the other is in the lower right corner.
5. (Pictures of all these can be seen at http://www.rivenguild.com/)

User Rating:
  7.3/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Doom Poster on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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@ssKicker writes:
Not quite... those are Richard Vander Wende's kids. Robyn Miller's kids can be found somewhere else in the game.
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