Batman: The Animated Series Easter Egg - Hello, Joel

This episode, concerning the BTAS's creators's inspirations for their version of Batman includes a special guest. After we see the "Frank Miller-50-year-old" version of Batman, the three kids run into a young man who's dressing a window maniquin. He says things like, "I lo-o-o-o-ve Batman. That rubber suit. I hear his car can drive up walls." The kids say, "sure Joel," proving that this slightly effeminate, costumer is supposed to be Joel Schumacher, director of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, noted for their rubber suits.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 55 votes
Contributed By: phillip on 10-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: BTAS Episode: Legends of the Dark Knight
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Miracleman writes:
In addition, behind the "Joel" kid, the store is called "Shoemaker's", a direct reference to Schumacher.
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deadlyKewl writes:
That's neat. And I just thought it was cool 'cause the kids had a gay friend and treated him so matter-of-factly. Don't see THAT much in mainstream shows.
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Mr. Freeze writes:
Not only that, Joel Schumacher also actually used to work as a store window dresser before he got into the movies.
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