Riven Easter Egg - Jingle Bells and Walking Through Air

1. First "activate" the easter eggs. (go to book making island, click on the egg. go to the moitety age, click on the bowl. etc. if you don't know what I'm talking about., find it on another easter egg entry)
2. Once you have finished clicking on RAWA, go inside the temple right next to you and click on (I don't know witch one) one of the lampposts on the left.
3. Merry Christmas!
4. Get on the mag-lev and go to junge island.
5. When you are there, go up the elevator in the whark and go up the stairs toward gehn's observatory.
6. Turn around and look down the stairs so you are facing a fire-marble dome thingy.
7. Click on the lamppost furthest away from you. (on the first floor)
8. Walk through air.

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  7.1/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: Cowandchick on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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For anyone who's wondering, it's the middle LAMP on the left as you're facing the projector coming from the maglev.
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Chuckjhb writes:
'First' floor? I think you mean 'Ground' floor. Otherwise - Thanks!
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@ssKicker writes:
No, it is the first floor, because you can go down in the lift too. So the bottom one is the ground floor...unless Gehn needs a basement for anything!
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GEEZ! THE GROUND FLOOR, BAKA, IS THE MAG-LEV! And where do you go when you walk through air?
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Empress writes:
Um, I can't find the torch. Please give more precise instructions for walking through the air.
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Empress writes:
It doesn't work for me. WHERE exactly is the lamp that you click?????
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Empress writes:
Now SOMEONE, PLEASE give me VERY PRECISE, (ie: idiot-proof) instructions for walking through the air!
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CMWingWing writes:
It is a European vs North America difference - in North America the ground floor IS the First floor, whereas in Europe the First floor is the one ABOVE the ground floor.
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