Planet Of The Apes (2001) Easter Egg - The Monkeys Are Taking Over

Insert disc 1 into your player and select 'Special Features'. On the next screen, select 'Commentaries'. On the next screen, press UP twice on your remote to highlight a monkey symbol. Press ENTER. Sit back as your DVD player is temporarily taken over by a chimpanzee that plays through the opening credits of the film.

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 58 votes
Contributed By: Lee Goodman on 11-11-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Planet Of The Apes (Disc 1)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Phydeux writes:
Actually, I think a more appropriate description would be "the whole movie from a chimp's point of view". Basically the chimps fast forward to where chimps are involved in the movie and skim past the rest. Something I'm sure ALL you parents out there can relate to when your kid burns out the clutch in the VCR because they have to watch the same catchphrase clip of Antz or Mouse Hunt 7,253 times in succession. Thank God for passcodes on DVD players!
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iandaemon writes:
I refer of this egg as "Monkey-Vision". Access the commentaries page on DISC 1. On the screen you will see three visible options (director commentary on the left, composer commentary on the right, and a selection that takes you "back" one screen, at the bottom in the center). Highlight the "back" menu option. Now press UP on your remote. You will highlight an image of a monkey directly in the center of the screen. Hit play while this monkey image is highlighted. Sit back and watch the beginning of the movie (fast forwarded at points) as you hear monkey screeches. This egg was easy to find. I immediately found it the first time I tried to access the additional menu options.
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SciFi_fan writes:
Actually, the whole film is NOT done this way, only the scenes in space. I think it would have been cool to fast forward through the whole movie, Until "Simos" returns (the chimpanzee). Obviously a lot of the movie involves apes, so it'd be odd to fastforward to ALL the shots of apes/monkeys, but I think they could have gone further with the idea. But all together nice. I think more eggs would have been cool.
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