Thriller (Michael Jackson) Easter Egg - Directors Trademark

During the scene when Michael Jackson's date gets up and leaves you can hear one of the police say the phrase "See you next Wednesday". This is John Landis's trademark phrase that can be found in many of his movies. When Michael Jackson catches up with her and asks what is the matter when they are outside the theater, the movie poster in the background is for a movie called "Schlock". This is John Landis's first feature film.

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  6.6/10 with 277 votes
Contributed By: Kingshows on 11-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Watch and Listen
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Pixi writes:
"See You Next Wednesday" is also the title of the porn film playing in the seedy cinema in An American Werewolf In London.
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Phosphorus writes:
The phrase "See you next Wednesday" is also painted on the window that Michael smashes with a trash can in the video for Black or White.
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Maaango writes:
Actually, that message is not in the Black and White film when Mr. Jackson smashes the glass...MTV and all other stations edited out what was really on the glass, I won't tell you what was on it, but I can tell you they were racist comments.
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Snowflake writes:
I heard that too, but it was a while ago. I heard them say, "What's that? I'ts written in blood! It says, 'See you next Wednesday'!
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Tim Harrod writes:
Having checked the DVD, I can confirm that the last window Michael breaks reads "SEE YOU NEXT WEDNESDAY STORAGE CO."
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Chatterbox writes:
I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's just a couple of dumb trademarks.
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