Mummy Returns, The Easter Egg - Hidden Soundtrack Trailer

On the region 1 dvd of The Mummy Returns go to the special features then select the Music video then when the video is playing press skip forward to the next chapter and you find a nice hidden trailer for The Mummy Returns Soundtrack which is not mentioned on the special features list.

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 56 votes
Contributed By: cutz on 10-19-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Region 1 DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Kenbo writes:
Is this really an egg? If you watch the whole video it goes right into the ad. Is it an egg because they didn't say "there's an ad after the video" ? It's not like you have to do anything special to see it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Jared writes:
If you take the time to actually watch the video in its entirety, you will be treated to the sound track preview immediately afterwards.
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cutz writes:
Well, I just put this on this site in case no one knew about it but obviously they do. Its not mentioned on the cover and its very rare that you get anything continuing on after the music video on a DVD.
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