Simpsons 1st Season Easter Egg - Hidden ABC News Report

Go the the third disk of the collection. At the Extra Features menu, click NEXT. When on the 2nd page of the extra features, highlight the choice "Some Enchanted Evening Script", but don't click it. Instead, press LEFT and you will see Bart's shirt turn from orange to blue. Click it, and you will see an ABC news special on the banning of Bart T-shirts.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 231 votes
Contributed By: Mike Sileck on 10-01-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Simpsons 1st Season DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Verbal writes:
Remember that not everyone uses their left and right keys to navigate menus. I, for one, use the up and down arrows more. And I'm sure I'm not alone in that. So well-hidden or not, this is a bona fide egg. And a good one at that. I remember the uproar over Bart's attitude and language when The Simpsons ventured out on their own. This is a cool little reminder of how quickly people and public officials will jump on a bandwagon.
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The BJC writes:
Actually, this is an Egg, since it wasn't advertised and it was hidden. All eggs are findable, if you use your cursor correctly. nice find, and I'll be looking for it! And I am confused as to where the other episodes are, and I'd be curious as to the scheme of release. One per DVD set would be nice, but I'd like them all at once.
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