Memento Easter Egg - DVD Production Credits

Access "Special Features", click on "Otnemem"

On the newspaper clipping, move to the upper right corner, a arrow (triangle) pointing to an
exclamation point will be revealed.

Select this, and you are asked "Who did I kill?"

Select the right person (I won't say who here, since it may be considered a spoiler for the movie), and the DVD prodction credits are displayed.

User Rating:
  5.9/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: Ace135 on 09-27-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Memento DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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ScullyToo writes:
It should also be noted that on that menu "OTNEMEM" changes into "Memento" if you leave it there long enough, or if you go back to that screen, fitting in with the spirit and confusion of the movie.
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goweb writes:
Where does it say Otnemem?
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Caradoc writes:
I have the region 2 DVD. There is no OTNEMOM on this version. In the Special features section you simply choose 'Website' from the menu and that opens up the newspaper. You can use the remote control to select the top right 'Questions' option or you can simply read each section in turn and you will eventually be taken there. It is simply a copy of the website,
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