Blade Easter Egg - 3d Animator in Subway

OK, go to the scene in Blade when hes in the Subway right after he enters through that secret Fridge Passage. When he first sees the Subway blaze right past him hit the slow motion key, you'll see the faces of a couple of people. When you see the face of a Long brown haired man, thats the 3d animator guy who did all of the movies special effects

User Rating:
  4.4/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Blade Movie and a Slow Motion Key
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CGI artists often use pictures of themselves, their families, or people around their studio in shots such as these... It's easier to use photos they have on hand for these "virtual standins" than to go out and seek different people... An easter egg constitutes a consious effort to add a hidden touch to a film... I don't think this should really be classified as one...
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